Chapter 20

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"I think he'll like this one better" you pointed out as you looked to Kristen who nodded.

"You're right, the jumpsuit is much more you and the color is a better match with Techno" she rambled as Quackity laughed zipping up the red jumpsuit on you.

All afternoon you had been with Kristen and your father looking, trying, and picking out wedding outfits.

"So..going on week three, how's it been with Techno?" Quackity questioned as your eyes darted away from his gaze and to the ground.

"Its...good, he's..not as bad as I thought" you smiled "I hate to admit it but, I'm kinda excited to marry him"

"Oooh! This is so exciting!" Kristen exclaimed happily as she put a pair of diamond earrings in your ears.

"To think just about a month ago you two hated eachother" Quackity laughed as he walked you to the mirror, "Anyway new happen between you two?"

You blushed and giggled.

Quackity's eyes widened "You two kissed didn't you?" You nodded as he clapped in excitement, "Ah! See! We told you, you two would get along"

You rolled your eyes inspecting yourself in the mirror as you smiled with a nod.

"This is definitely the one" you smiled as Quackity smiled helping you out the outfit and back into your clothes.

"I'm excited to marry Techno.." you admitted "He's not as bad as I thought, he's also the reason I chose that red"

"Well you two better slow down, I'm not ready for grandkids just yet!"

"Dad! Stop!" You gasped playfully hitting his arm as he laughed.


"Oh thank goodness you're finally back" Techno whined as he was, what seemed to be, sulking on the floor.

He was also tired from spending the entire day making the ring for you.

Meanwhile you were getting an outfit.

"We're you that lonely without me?" You asked as he nodded with defeat "You were gone sooo long!"

Rolling your eyes you joined Techno onnthe ground. "Can I make it a thing to greet you with a kiss? I doesn't have to be on the lips" Techno questioned as you chuckled and nodded. "I don't mind that, although I'm wondering why your on the ground sulking"

"At first it was because my back hurt then I realized I wouldn't see you for a bit and I got mad about it" "I fail to understand why your attached to me already" "Arw you saying your not attached to me?" questioned Techno as you laughed.

"I am attached! Otherwise I wouldn't be here on the ground with you, I did miss you today" you spoke softly as Technos tail swayed quickly as he sat up and turned to you.

"I'm kissing you." He spoke and before you could respond he placed a kiss to your lips once again.

You giggled as he smiled stupidly to you.

"You think we'll have a day to ourselves?" You questioned "Yknow just so us two can spend more time together? We've been with eachother a majority of the time it feel weird to not see you until it's time for bed"

"I sure hope so Princess.."Techno frowned "We're technically married why not just settle for that"

"Because The kingdoms have to prove the alliance somehow" you reminded as he flopped back to the ground.

He was growing soft. Only you were seeing this side of him.

"Well they can suck my...butt.." he mumbled as you laughed hysterically at his words.

If this was him now, you couldn't wait until your wedding night.

[Word count 592]

Suprise! The ring chapter and this chapter take place same day, same times


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