Chapter 47

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"I'm so sorry!" Techno panicked as you cleaned you up with aftercare. You only chuckled as his ears went down, carefully he cleaned the bite mark that had started bleeding.

"Techno, Honey, its okay" you reassured as you held his face and placed a kiss to his lips.

He hummed into the kiss as he held your hips once more.

"How about another round My Dear, to really celebrate our one year anniversary" Techno questioned as you nodded with a giggle. "I'd quite enjoy that"

He smiled as he pressed his lips to yours, you smiled into the kiss with a laugh.


Carefully Techno slipped himself back inside of you, causing a whine to enter the kiss. He pulled away from the kiss to look you in the eyes which made you nervously smile to him.

"You so beautiful my dear, it's such a shame I'm going to ruin you" he mumbled as he looked to your lips.

He perked up for a second before looking to you with a smirk,  "yknow Dear, I have a few things I'd like to try with you, that is if you're up to it"

You looked at him a raised brow as he flushed slightly, "I'd like to see you work for it, I think I'd to see you ride me" He smiled as you looked to him suspiciously "What's the catch?"

"No catch" he smiled "I'd just like to see how you mange"

You rolled your eyes with a chuckle as you got up and waited for Techno to sit, once he did, you carefully lined yourself to him and whined as you slipped down on him.

"Such a beautiful sight My Dear" Techno spoke in a soft tone as his thumbs rubbed the flesh of your hips. "It's so mesmerizing to see you stuffed like this"

Soft moans were let out as you rode your oh so loving husband. One hand on his shoulder, the other on your own thigh.

"Close already Dear? We've only just started" he smirked feeling yourself squeeze around him.

You looked to him with a smirk and stopped, you placed his hands off of you and to his side.

"No touching, since you wanna be so mean to me" you sighed as he looked to you with wide eyes. "What!" "Ah! Hush! No a sound from you mister" you smiled as his face burned red.

He was speechless.

But he complied.

"Good Boy" you giggled as you started back up, your words caused his cock to twitch, you felt it. He knows you did based off the smirk that you grew.

"You like that don't you? Being a Good Boy?" You questioned as you quickened your movements, the feeling of relief was so close yet still far.

"Fuck.." is all that left Technos throat. He watched you in amazement as you bounced yourself on him, aswell as the words you spoke, he could get used to this.

You let out a soft moan as your grip tightened on Techno, his heavy breath quickening as your head hid in his shoulder.

"Go on Dear, you can do it" Techno spoke softly as his hands rested on your thighs as you're pace has quickened before slowly down.

You moaned into his neck as you felt yourself release as well as shiver due to the feeling of Technos doing the same.

You both sat there coming down from your high. Looking to you Techno chuckled as slipped you off of him.

"I'll run you a bath My Dear" he spoke as you giggled.

However there was one thing you were thinking about. Coming back into the room, Techno scooped you up as brought you to the tub.

"Will you stay? I wanna talk about something" you requested as Techno nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, let me get some pants on really quick and I'll be right back" he smiled asnhe left to do what he said before returning.

"Technoblade.." you mumbled as his ears dropped, he knew that using his full name meant this was a serious talk.

"I think we should go to the doctor" you spoke as he perked up confused, "Why so? Are you feeling alright? Have you been getting sick?" He questioned, light hope in the last question.

"No, and that exactly why, Techno I'm getting worried that I may.." you huffed in annoyance as you looked to him "We've been trying for a little less than a year now and we've been getting..nothing.."

Techno frowned as he understood "Personally while it's a bit upsetting, I don't care whether or not we have a child" he opened a towel and looked to you with a smile, "However if it'll make you feel better, we can go to the doctors tomorrow"

You carefully stood up and stepped on the tub as your husband wrapped you up. "Plus, we could always adopt" Techno suggested as you smiled slightly, "That would be less painful" you joked as he helped dry you off and get into night clothes.

"When the time is right Dear it'll happen" Techno smiled and you both snuggled into the now clean bed.

[Word count 860]


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