Chapter 11

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Taking a deep breath you and Techno stood next to eachother. Looking to the crowd you took a deep breath.

Techno took a deep breath aswell as he scanned the crowd.

Phil clapped as he smiled.

"I once again thank you all for attending this engagement party, however we have one more final announcement"

Kristen took Technos crown off his head, replacing it with a new as Quackity placed a crown on yours.

"Today I crown my eldest son as king today! He is not only a valuable leader, but the heir to the kingdom of L'manburg and throne"

Techno's eyes widened as Phil continued.

"I'll admit, this has been planned for the past few years, and I decided to use this opportunity with us all joined together to announce the new king or L'manburg! I'm growing old and soon my time will come, but that worry is no more with Technoblade taking his place as King"

You looked to Techno who looked almost scared.

"This arrangement not only makes Technoblade your new king but [Y/N] your new Queen" Kristen exclaimed happily.

Claps and cheers emerged through the crowd.


"This party is certainly not what I expected" you spoke as you and Techno watched the crowd from the balcony, alone.

Phil, Kristen, Schlatt and Quackity had gone the mingle with others, Wilbur and Tommy were doing their own thing.

"I can agree with you on that. I don't think I want to be king, I'm not cut out for it" Techno groaned as you looked to him. "Well at least your smart-ass comment was..correct" you mumbled.

"I don't know how I'm expected to take over Mantopia if I'm stuck here because your Queen" you flatly spoke as Techno raised a brow, "You don't have siblings?"

"Nope, only child" you frowned as he leaned back in his chair. "Well we're 'united' so maybe they'll combine of something" he shrugged as you laughed waving your hand.

"I highly doubt that, however if that were the case, then that's alot of land to control" you smiled as he rolled his eyes.

Techno stood up and dusted himself off before holding his hand out, you placed your hand in his as he kisses it. "How about a dance 'my dear'" he chuckled as you pulled your hand away with a scoff, before getting up from the chair on your own.

"You lose, pity points for that 'good sir'" you laughed as he smiled.

You two had come to terms with this arrangement. While you both were still not fully agreeing with it, it was done.

"I don't really feel like dancing I'll admit" Walking to the railing on the balcony you leaned forward.

"You think this is really the right thing to do?" You questioned turning to Technoblade as he raised a brow. "What are you referring to exactly? There's are many things this could relate to"

"I guess mainly the marriage, we spend our entire lives hating eachother yet...everyone is so..happy" you spoke looking back to the crowd of people enjoying the party. "They're so happy to have this but is it really what we want? I have no problem with the kingdom alliance but why a marriage?"

Techno listened as you continued to ramble on.

"I'm all for making my parents happy and doing what I can for out family and kingdom but..I don't understand" you groaned into your hands.

Techno looked at the crowd and sighed. "I'm unable to give you an answer, I personally never saw myself getting married so i never planned to take the throne, yet here I am. I'm a Piglin who's now king. How is.." Techno froze as he came to a realization..your life will be ruined because of me. Because I'm a pigin. We can't let that happen, we need to call off the wedding" he panicked.

You looked at him shocked.

"Ruin my life?" You laughed "My parents are a duck and a ram I think marriage with you will be fine."

You smiled at him as he slightly calmed down.

"Why don't you have..uh..any features of them?" Techno questioned as your face went red. "Uh..we um..let's save that conversation for another day" you responded embarrassed.

He chuckled to himself as you both watched over and enjoyed the party.

[Word count 726]

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Balls <3

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