Chapter 44

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When everything came to reality you screamed and pointed to the man in the doorway.

There's was absolute silence.

You and Techno were unsure how to react as you both stared at what looked to be him.


Phil was alive.

The screaming caused both Tommy and  Wilbur to run to the room aswell as some guards.

However this only caused more screaming.

"Alright! Cut the screaming!" Phil exclaimed as everyone froze. Carefully, you and Techno stood up, however Techno kept you behind him.

"I don''re not real.." Wilbur frowned as he stood back wary of the man in front of them.

"William Patrick Spencer Gold-Watson" he spoke simply as Wilbur froze. Phil then turned to Tommy, "Thomas Anthony Simons-Watson"

The two younger brothers were shocked. Only Phil and Kristen knew their middle names, they never put them on file either just out of safety.

"I still don't trust this.." Techno mumbled and Phil smiled and looked to him "Technoblade Athanasios (Wattson), you don't have a middle name it's not common among piglins and you never fully took my last name"

Techno was shocked.

"! You were dead! You died we all saw!" Techno panicked as Phil motioned everyone to take a seat.

"So..yeah, I did die but I was brought Kristen.." Phil spoke carefully as he rubbed the back of his neck. "But it's been days! Why did Mum wait until now?" Tommy questioned as Phil chuckled.

"You gotta wait at least a week, not sure why but that's how it is" he shrugged. You then perked up "How did she bring you back? The only ones who can bring others back are gods..unless" "She is one yes" Phil admitted as everyone, meaning his kids, freaked out.


You took a moment to think as you looked to your father in law. "Yknow I'm makes alot of sense actually.." Techno looked to you confused "What do you mean?" "Kristin Hel Watson..Hel is the goddess of death in Norse Mythology.." you explained "It only makes sense.."

The room was silent in thought, however Techno looked to you amazed.

"While it's a good thing for you that I'm back, I'm going to spend the rest of my time away from the public eye" Phil admitted as everyone nodded understanding.


The day was...weird. You still haven't gotten over the fact that Phil was back.

Techno took at seat next to you in bed, "You're in deep alright?" He questioned as you turned to him.

"So am I'm I an Athanasios or Watson now that we're married?" You asked as Techno chuckled softly kissing your head. "An Athanasios Dear" he responded as you looked to his suspiciously.

"You have a greek means Blood God and Athanasios mean Immortal.." Techno looked tonyou shocked as you were really the only one who figured this out. "Technoblade be honest with me, are you a god?" You questioned as his face flushed red as he rubbed the back of his neck.

" mean..yknow I.." he fumbled and stuttered with this words as he looked to you with a frown. "Will it change your feelings for me if I was?"

"Why do you think it would?" You retorted as he sighed "I dunno because like..what person other than Phil, is willingly in a relationship with a god?"

"Me if you admit it" you smiled as he chuckled "Then..yeah..I guess...I don't really have anything special but..yknow..I'm one yeah.."

You smiled as kissed his snout.

"If anything it makes you hotter.." you mumbled as you smirked in his ear "The thought of be fucked by a god us quite thrilling"

Techno immediately perked up as his breath hitched. His eyes wide as he looked to you.

"Goodnight Techno" you laughed as he sputtered. "You can't!" He exclaimed as you dramatically snored while pretending to be asleep.

He groaned getting into bed as he wrapped his arms around you, spooning you in the process. "My Dear, you are very much making your way up there, I suggest we cut this bratty behavior of yours" he growled in your ear as you giggled.

"I'll think about it.." was all you responded before the both of you had fallen asleep, cuddled up and warm...

[Word count 736]

I love gaslighting you all into thinking it wasn't Phil <3

Anyways I don't actually know Tommy's middle name so I made a guess, ans if I am correct I will be leaving the face of the earth.

That's all for now

Balls <3

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now