Chapter 36

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He made his way over upon spotting you.

However you pulled away from Technoblade and excused yourself, confused, Techno watched as you hurried away going to Steve.

Turing back he saw a man walking towards him. "King Technoblade is it? I'd like to introduce myself" the mystery man spoke as he held out his hand.

"I am Dream, Prince of the SMP" he smiled holding out his hand as Techno carefully took it, shaking hands with the man in a green suit.

"Technoblade. King of L'manburg" Techno responded as the other man chuckled, "Well what a King without his Queen?" "My wife is attending to our polar bear, she is not to be bothered" Techno pointed out.

He could tell something was up, he just was sure what exactly that was.

Hours had passed and Techno had notice you had yet to return, so in response he thanked everyone for joining and sent them a home.

He was worried now. We're you okay? What happened? Why was Dream so..odd?

Opening to room door he stopped to see you snuggled in bed with Steve, crying. His heart ached and dropped as he felt guilt rush through him.

He closed the door quickly going on your side. "My Dear is everything alright? What happened" Techno questioned softly rubbing your back as you looked at him a sniffled.

"Him. It was him." You mumbled as Techno looked at you confused "What do you mean?" "My Ex that was him!" "Dream?" "Yes! Him!"

The room went silent.

"I apologized I shouldn't have yelled.." you spoke softly as Techno hugged you tightly.

"Don't apologize Dear. You have every reason to be upset with the situation" Techno reassured as you sat up wiping your face.

Turning to the polar bear, Techno thanked Steve for comforting and protecting you. Steve nodded happily in response as he hopped off the bed and onto the floor.

Almost immediately he fell asleep like a middle aged dad on the couch.

Techno wasted no time to snuggle into you causing you to yelp and laugh as he nuzzled his snout into your neck. "How about we cheer you up My Dear? What would you like?"

"Ice Cream sounds nice" you smiled as he nodded getting up. He carefully walked around Steve and made his way to the kitchen.

You smiled as you thought to yourself. Techno had done so much for you, and you wanted to return the favor.

You weren't quite ready to return that type of favor just yet however, so for no you would have to figure out another way.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Techno walking in sheepishly with two containers of your favorite flavors of ice cream.

"So I know these two are your favorites..but I didn't know which you'd like so I brought you both" he spoke as you looked to him in astonishment.

You absolutely loved this man.

He set down the containers on a mini foldable table along with a spoon.

Once everything was set down you immediately pulled him into a hug and kissed all over his face and lips.

He was stunned as he look at you suprised. Over ice cream?

He was okay with this.

You calmed down and sat down embarrassed. "Sorry.." you spoke as Technoblade laughed, he enjoyed this side of you.

However who knows how long it'll last.

Techno gladly rested his head on you chest as he hugged you, he was getting comfortable and ready for a nap.

That was until he felt something cold on his head.

You were using his head as a table.

"You are weird My Dear" Techno chuckled as you smiled "I blame you" you responded as he gasped.

"You've hurt my heart, it's broken I just may die" he spoke dramatically as you chuckled eating a scoop of ice cream.

"I'll see you in hell then" you laughed as he chuckled with you.

The rest of the night was nice.

You were happy and so was Techno.

However there was a question that lingered in the back of both of your minds.

"What are your thoughts on children?" "...I don't know"
"Me neither...I'd like to adopt.."
"We can do that"

You both smiled as you set the container back on the table and played with your husband's hair.

"Do you..want any of our own..? How many would we have?" Techno asked genuinely as you thought.

"Hmm..I think two is a good number, we can have one of our own, and adopt another"

"Sounds perfect." Techno mumbled into your chest as his tiredness consumed him.

[Word count 773]

: ) q

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now