Chapter 28

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It was now Thursday.

That means two more days.

You were currently hanging out with Wilbur today however.

You were sitting in the bean bag chair in his room.

" far do you plan to go with my brother" Wilbur asked as you raised a brow. "What you mean?" You questioned.

"Oh you know exactly what I mean" Wilbur smirked as your face flushed red looking away from him.

"I do wish you luck when that time comes" Wilbur smiled as you looked at him confused, "Wilbur where is this coming from?" You questioned as he shrugged.

"Well based on the fact his little claim is still on you," he looked to you "I expect you to not mess things up between you two"

You'll admit you were..very confused.

"Wilbur, slow down and explain what you mean" you spoke as he sighed taking a seat next to you.

"I don't want you to break his hard like she did. However it seems you two are closer so..I'm counting on you" he explained "The fact you've gotten Techno to open up this much after Bonnie, God she was bitch"

You looked to him suspiciously. "Wilbur what are trying to do?"

"I guess I'm trying to say that I'm glad it's you thats marrying my brother" he smiled as you laughed.

You were still very confused of this conversation but appreciated it.

"Also I do mean what I said when I told you I wish you luck" Wilbur grinned "Techno can be..territorial.."

"Oh I've experienced" you responded as he giggled "He doesn't have much control with himself, he can be...rough per se"

"Wilbur!" You gasped shoving a pillow at him as he laughed.


"What are you thinking about My Dear?" Techno questioned as you looked to him "Who was Bonnie?" You questioned as Techno froze.

"Did Wilbur tell you this?" He questioned as you nodded.

"She uh..was an ex I guess but she wasn't a good  person whatsoever" he explained as you raised a brow "I thought you said you hadn't been in a relationship?"

"That because that wasn't a relationship in my eyes, it was a cycle of manipulation and mistreatment" he spoke as you looked away.

"Sorry," You apologized causing Techno to perk up.

"For what? You have nothing to apologize for!" He frowned holding your cheeks in his hands

You frowned looking away with a huff.

"If anything I should apologize for not telling you, you deserve to know that information." He spoke sternly as you looked to him.

He place a soft kiss to your lips as you placed your hands on his shoulders. He slowly pulled away causing you to frown.

"Another? You're greedy today" Techno joked as you chuckled "I think I'd like to talk and cuddle, just about stuff we should know, stuff we haven't said"

Techno smiled kissing you again as you giggled, he started to give multiple kiss all around your face while tickling you.

This action caused you to fall back and bring Techno down with you.

"Techno! No! Stop, bad!" You laughed as he continued before stopping and looking to you with loving eyes.

You looked to him back with a smile as he turned you to correctly lay on the bed before resting himself on top on you.

His chin hovering above your chest. "I uh..don't know if-" you cut him of by pushing his head down so his chin did indeed rest on your chest.

You smiled and played with his hair causing his tail to sway back and forth slowly.

"So, talk." You spoke as he chuckled nervously. "Well, what do you want to know?" He retorted as you played with his ears "I want to know what Wilbur meant by you being territorial and how in his words, not mine, you don't have 'self control'"

Techno froze and looked at you with wide eyes his face burned red. "The territorial thing I can understand because yknow you got carried away the other night because Steve was here" you chuckled thinking about that night.

Techno look the other way. He did feel foolish over that. Steve had his own room now so hopefully it wouldn't occur again. He still doesn't know why it happened.

"'s along those lines of.." he looked embarrassed as you giggled "Might I ask how and why Wilbur knows your sexual status?"

"Do we really need to talk about this?" He whined as you nodded, "We're brothers, I'm not sure what else you expect" he shrugged "I've used a toy or two in my life"

You bursted into a fit of giggles at his response as your face dusted pink.

"We shouldn't be getting this comfortable with these conversation" Techno groaned as he snuggled into you more.

"I blame your father" you smiled squishing his face causing him to smile.

"Two more days My Dear" Techno reminded getting comfortable for a nap, "Two days until you're officially my wife"

"If you think you're fucking me on our wedding night you should rethink that variable" you laughed as Techno shot up in a panic.

"What?! No! I wouldn't do that!" He panicked "So you wouldn't want to?" You smirked causing him to hesitate.

"You know what I mean little birdie." He mumbled as you pat his head.

"It's okay because I love you Techno" you smiled as he looked to you with wide eyes.

"What?" You questioned as he smiled filled with goofiness. "You said it first!" He exclaimed "You said you love me!"

You looks at him suprised as he felt victorious. "I love you too [Y/N]" he smiled as he kissed your lips.

He was correct. You had said it first.

However you weren't complaining.

[Word count 961]


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