Chapter 42

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Silence. Complete Silence.

The sound of the bags dropping made you turn to Technoblade. He was stunned.

He was silent.

"Techno are you-" "Don't. I don't wanna talk right now" is all he answered before taking the bags and going inside with no expression.

You felt an overwhelming amount of guilt.

You slowly walked inside as Wilbur walked to his room.

The castle was quiet. You felt tears fill your eyes as you walked into the room.

You decided to give Techno his space. Before you could walk to the chair Techno spoke. "Please..I need you right now.." sobbed, you went to him. Your arms holding his tight as he cried. You rubbed his back as he sniffled.

You laid on the bed and patted your chest as Techno gladly wrapped his arms around you. The tears still flowing from his eyes as he held you tightly.

You took deep breaths to help him calm down, you calmly played with his hair.

After about an hour, he had stopped crying and calmed down. He had also fallen asleep.

Steve entered the room and jumped on the bed to snuggle with you two.


The hours had gone by and Techno has finally awaken. When he woke up he saw that you were asleep and so was Steve.

He quietly got up and walked to Wilburs room, there he saw Wil and Tommy. "So..what happened" Techno questioned causing the two to turn to him as he sat down.

"We don't know" Tommy sighed, "From what it looks like, he died in his sleep" "Which is bullshit because he was just fine the day before!" Wilbur exclaimed as Techno set a hand on his shoulder. 

"Lets back track some, after we left for Schlatt, did anyone come over or leave other than us?" Techno questioned as his brothers thought.

"Dream." Tommy remembered "Dream came over to send his condolences to [Y/N] and Dad since they were the two closest to him" the blonde rethought the events.

"Dad offered him a drink, I remember because I was eavesdropping being I found it suspicious Dream came randomly after we had just gotten word of Schlatt"

"Did you see anything?" Wilbur questioned as Tommy shook his head "No, I didn't wanna get caught snooping" he admitted.

Techno then perked up after a moment of being in intense thought "Dream did it! He had to have" "We don't have the proof Technoblade" Wilbur reminded as Techno held up his hand.

"But we have the facts. Schlatt mysteriously gets sick causing [Y/N] and I, the King and Queen, to leave our Kingdom, then he comes here and Phil passes away" Techno explained "Not only this but Dream is also [Y/N]'s ex, from what I know he wasn't very good, so I'm guessing he did something to Schlatt to distract us so he could get Phil"

Wilbur and Tommy looked to Techno in shock. "As crazy as it is Wil, Technos right, after Phil took a sip of his drink he coughed, probably from whatever Dream put it it!"

That night the three brothers did all they could to stack up evidence against Dream.

They were gonna make sure he was disciplined for what he had done.

[Word Count 544]


To be honest originally I was gonna have Techno get mad with the reader but I have spared you all this once.

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now