Chapter 7

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After a smack to the back of his head, Techno grumbled as he got dressed for the party.

He was going to the party.


Putting on his suit he dusted himself off as a knock settled on his door. There stood Wilbur.

"Looking very nice Techno, [Y/N] will love it" He exclaimed jokingly as Techno rolled his eyes in a annoyance.

"You fail to amuse me Wilbur" Techno spoke pulling his hair up in a ponytail. Wilbur on the other hand messing with Techno's.

"You have no reason to be to put it..insecure" Wilbur straight faced looked to his 'older' brother.


"What are you on about Wilbur?" putting on his crown Techno faced his brother. "Are you really worried about facing [Y/N] or are you scared of being seen in public for the first time since Phil adopted you?" The brown haired man stood next to Techno.

He was a bit shorter but he still placed his hands on the piglins shoulders.

Techno looked at himself and compared  everything to his brother.

He was a pigin. That wasn't right. Wilbur was a human. That was perfect.

He hated being...him.

"Personally I think having you in out family is the best thing to happen, who cares if you're a pigin? I sure don't" Wilbur smiled as Techno huffed with a small smile.

"I guess I do have..some..fears.." Techno admitted reluctantly. "I mean look at me! A pigin, an animal! Compared to you..I'm like..I dunno..different"

"That's what makes you, Technoblade!" Wilbur exclaimed as Techno smiled "Yeah..I guess you're right"

Opening his arms, Techno gladly accented the hug from Wilbur.

"Now let's go greet some guest yeah?" Wilbur questioned as Techno nodded.


Walking to the balcony Techno stood next to Phil as he smiled to his son. Looking out, he saw all the people who had come from all around just to see them.

Some were looking to Technoblade in awe, others in curiosity. None of them were malicious in any way. This made Techno happy, yet he kept a straight face.

His attention was grabbed when seeing some familiar faces enter.

There stood Ranboo and Tubbo.

Looking over Techno saw Tommy with a wide smile on his face.

"Please Phil! Can I go down there and greet them?" Tommy quietly pleaded as Philza let out a chuckle nodding.

"Just behave, no big trouble" He explained as Tommy nodded in agreement. "Thank you Dadza!" Tommy smiled as he left to go down to his friends.

Technoblade watched as the three of them smiled and shook hands. In reality they would hug but..yknow...public eye and everything.

Somehow the piglin found himself glancing towards the door. Why weren't you here?

Did you decide not to show up?

In a way he felt disappointed you weren't here.

That was until he spotted you, being dragged in the room by Schlatt.

A small groan left his lips as he watched you seclude yourself from everyone as Schlatt and Quackity joined Philza and Kristen.

Techno wasn't paying any attention. He was focused on you for some odd reason. You're outfit was..nice.

Yeah thats why he was observing. Your suit. It was a nice blue. Represented Mantopia a bit as he saw both Quackity and Schlatt in the same shade of blue.

A light tap to the shoulder causing Techno to jump and snap out of his daze.

Looking over he saw Phil who was smiling. "Did you not hear me Techno?" He laughed as Techno swallowed his saliva in embarrassment.


"I asked you if you'd go talk to [Y/N]" Phil responded as Techno sputtered.

"Wh- when- why?!" He groaned as Phil looked to him as Techno sighed in defeat.

"Fine" he spoke as he dusted himself off putting his hands behind his back, he need to look proper if he were to talk to a princess.


"Thank you Technoblade, I appreciate this" Phil smiled as Techno nodded making his way off the overhead balcony.

Walking down to the floor he reluctantly made his way over to you. His hands still behind his back.

He saw you look at him. He stopped breathing as his face slightly burned as he noticed the red dusting your face.

Taking a deep breath he stood in front of you.

You stared back at him.

This is awkward.

[Word count 737]


Heres the outfits btw



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