Chapter 33

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Techno was standing there. Tense.

He knew that both kingdoms were attending but jeez. This is alot of people for a wedding.

He felt himself get nervous, but why? He had no reason to be nervous, he's been with you for almost two months now, and officially engaged for a day..

Technos emotions were all over the place as his mind raced quickly with thought. Voices in the back of his head filled with reassurance while a select few were in panic mode.

His thoughts where stopped as the music played causing Techno to turn his gaze to you.

He froze in place.

It's over.

You killed him.

His face burned red looking at you as you smiled softly in response. His smiled formed as you stood infront of him.

He wanted nothing more than to hold you but he has to wait.

Bad cleared his throat as he went through his speech. You're brain had finally processed everything, and your face turned pink as you looked to your soon-to-be husband.

After the vows commenced, Bad looked up from his book "May I have the rings?"

Right in cue, Steve came skipping down the isle with the ring around his neck. You smiled widely sewing Steve be apart of the wedding.

Carefully Techno took the rings from Steve, happily, the polar bear took a seat beside you.

Techno slipped the ring on your finger as you smiled and slipped the ring on his.

Bad continued on resulting to the "I dos"

"You may now kiss the bride!" Bad smiled as Techno wasted no time doing so. He connected his lips to yours as his hands settle to your hips. Your hands on his shoulders.

Pulling away, you could both hear the cheers of the audience and you rested your forehead against his.

He smiled, you then pull away and kneeled down to snuggle Steve. Techno carefully bend down to your ear and whispered a message to you.

You softly gasped as yournface turned red. After a moment you looked to him and nod. He stood up straight looking genuinely shocked.

Standing up, you dust yourself off before looking to him, "I trust you Techno" you chuckled before kissing his snout.

[Word count 372]


Outfit time

The reader: I did edit this from blue to red

I chose red because that is one of the main colors of L'manburg

I chose red because that is one of the main colors of L'manburg

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I chose blue for Techno as it's a main colors of Mantopia

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I chose blue for Techno as it's a main colors of Mantopia.

If you go back to when they first met, Reader was in blue while Techno was in Black, however I originally planned him to be in Red.

Anyways that's all


𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now