Chapter 26

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"So..why do you wanna find this polar bear so badly?" Techno asked genuinely as you looked to him, "He looked very unwell, he needs my help" you spoke as Techno nodded.

You could feel Technos hand tightened around your as you stopped and looked to him, he seemed nervous and on edge.

"Techno? Are you alright?" You checked in as he nodded "Uh..yeah..I just haven't been this far out of the castle before" he admitted as you looked at his suprised.

"Well I assure you, you'll be fine My Love" you smiled as he took a deep breath and nodded.

The search went on for at least an hour before you stopped looking to find Steve sleeping under a pile of branches.

You carefully let go of Technos hand and you made your way over to the polar bear.

Crouching down, you carefully pet the bear as he stirred in his sleep. Slowly his eyes opened only to be startled and bonking his head on the tree.

"No no, Shh, its okay" you spoke softly as he calmed down. You rubbed the part of his head that was hit and pampered him, "You poor baby, let me help you okay?" You looked to his as the polar bear nodded in response.

You reached in the bucket and pulled out a whole fish handing it to him.

Steve gladly accept the food and started munching away. He let out a happy noise as he looked to you.

Once he finished, Steve gave you a big kiss on the cheek as you laughed. He stopped upon seeing Techno however.

Looking to the piglin hopefully, he carefully made his way over. Techno allowed Steve to sniff his hand before he pet the surprisingly soft bear.

Steve seemed to smiled as his nub of a  tail wagged quickly back and forth.

Techno chuckled in interest as Steve stole another piece of fish from the bucket.

Standing up, you looked to Techno"Can we keep him?" "What?"

"Oh Techno please! Please cn we keep him! I'll take care of him I promise!" You begged as Techno sighed in defeat and nodded "Alright, Alright fine, we can keep him, but just know Phil will get suspicious of the amount of raw fish coming to the room"

You stimmed in happiness as you kissed Techno face all over in excitement.

Techno eyes widened as his face heated up. His lips ear to ear with a goofy grin. His eyes fell upon Steve who seems to be smirking.

Techno laughs calmed you down as he kisses your forehead with a smile.

Turing to Steve you smiled as he gladly follows you and Techno back home.

"We can't tell Phil or he-" Techno, you and Steve stop in your tracks as Phil was standing and the entrance, waiting.

"Oh! There you two are I was wondering where you were off to!" Phil exclaimed as he stopped to look at the polar bear.

"Who's this?" Phil asked as Techno spoke up "This is Steve and he's our responsibility" "Oh please Phil let us keep him!" You frowned as he old man laughed.

"While it's confusing, I see he makes you two happy so I'll allow it." Phil smiled "Welcome home Steve, the royal polar bear!"

[Word count 548]

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I'm in class rn

Balls <3

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now