Chapter 17

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Openings the room door Techno froze as you were no where in sight.

What? Where did you..where did you go?!

Pacing around the room he tried to contain his panic as he looked around the room.

The mini library? No.
The connected library room? No.
The closet? ...maybe?

Techno whined as he looked under the bed. "Techno?"

The sound of your voice scared him, causing his to jump and hit his head.

Quickly the stood up on his feet as you looked to him with wide eyed. "Are you..are you okay?" You questioned as he fully realized where you had come from.

The bathroom.

His face burned from embarrassment as you held your towel tightly to your body.

You had just gotten out the shower.

" I uh..was just looking for.." Techno quickly made something up as he picked up a random stuffed animal. "This!"

You looked to him suspiciously as you laughed "Uh huh.." "Its..for you?"

"Techno what were you really doing?" You questioned tucking in your towel so you could cross arms. Techno frowned with a sigh "Alright fine I was"

"Awe, how sweet" you laughed as his face burned red "I'm absolutely flattered" "No, I'm being serious." Techno responded flatly as you looked to him suprised.

"Oh, why?" "I uh..anxiety" "oh.."

There was a silent between the two of you.

Techno walked up to you, carefully taking your hand.

"Techno what are you-" you stopped mid sentence as his gently kiss the back or your hand looking up to you in the process.

Your face flushed red as he carefully rubbed the back of your palm with his thumb.

He smiles them flops to the bed.

"Get dressed, its nap time and your invited" he mumbled into the pillow as you were still processing the events that had unfolded.

"Oh! Um..okay" you chuckled going g to the dresser drawers before getting dressed.

"Are you dressed?" Techno questioned as you hummed in response. Carefully peaking up, Techno looked to you as you were about to get in the bed.

He smirked ad he quickly reached over, taking you by the hips and pulling you into the bed with him. This caused you to squeal in suprise.

"Ah! Techno!" You gasped with laughter as he nuzzle his snout into your neck, causing it to tickle.

"Techno no! Stop that tickles!" You laughed as he tighter his grip as you were trying to pull away.

Techno laughed as he stopped and looked up to you as you were still giggling. You soon calmed down and looked down to him.

He had a stupid grin on his face, his eyes filled with endearment as he kept them on you.

You smiled and kissed his head with a chuckle as he chuckled back.

"You should brush your hair out" you mumbled as you ran your fingers through it occasionally catching then in a knot.

"I know, but it's nap time, and you're my pillow" he spoke closing his eyes.

"By the way you're holding me I'd be a stuffed animal" you spoke as he laughed to himself as he thought of a dirty joke he could make.

He was gonna risk it.

"You're only one of those things" he responded in a tired voice as your eyes widened. "TECHNO! EW!" You gasped as he laughed into your torso.

"You're getting too bold mister" you tsked as he smiled. "Says the who walked out the bathroom in a towel almost slipping off her body"

You were silent.

"Shouldn't you be napping?" You remarked as he laughed.

Finally getting comfy, Techno held you close as you smiled softly as he'd fallen asleep.

You weren't tired however, so all you could do was lie there and run your fingers through Technos hair for the next few hours.

That was until you had fallen asleep. 

[Word count 650]

Httbfbdbxnznsjdhdndbf x cudbxb,  bxxbdbvdd dbr f dns did djdbf

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