Chapter 29

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It was Friday.

You frowned as you had to say in a separate room from Techno, Phil said it was for good luck and he and Kristen had done it.

So you and Techno reluctantly agreed.

You wanted nothing more but to hug the soft man. But it was okay. You had Steve.

That's right. You were staying in Steve's room!

"Steve do you think Technoblade will appreciate this color?" You frowned as Steve happily nodded looking to the wedding outfit you had slipped on.

"I wish you could be part of the wedding Steve" you frowned as he crawled into bed.

Taking off the wedding attire you hung it back up and groaned flopping on the bed.

You had been all day without Techno. It felt weird now that you two had gotten closer.

You climbed into bed and snuggled with Steve as you wondered what Techno was doing.

"I DONT KNOW WILBUR!" Techno panicked pacing back and forth as Tommy sat on the mini library chair laughing to himself.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW WHERE YOU PUT THE RING?!" Wilbur exclaimed as Techno was fully panicked.

Techno had look everywhere!

Except under the bed.

However he was too focused and dumb to realize.

Techno was freaking out as Wilbur kept berating him.

"How about under the bed?" Tommy smiled "Yknow the one place you haven't looked?"

The room went quiet.

Slowly Techno looked under the bed to indeed find the ring box.

He stood up and opened it making sure it was in there.

It was. The ring was fine.

A smack impacted the back if Techno's head, from none other than Wilbur. "You're a fucking idiot Technoblade."

"I uh..I can see that Wilbur." He mumbled rubbing the back of his head.

"I can't believe you're actually getting married" Tommy admitted as he handed Techno his suit.

"You sure [Y/N] will appreciate this?" Techno whispers as he had fully gotten into his attire.

"You look great Technoblade" Wilbur smiled, "So here's an odd question but do you plan to propose to them at all?"

"Propose? Aren't we already engaged?" Techno questioned as Tommy helped remove the suit of his oldest brother.

"He means for real, not an arranged engagement, like where you actually get on your knee and ask them" Tommy responded as Techno perked up.

"Oh! I should do that shouldn't I?" Techno exclaimed as he opened the bed side drawer and fished out another box.

This box held a ring that was main with copper with a polished gold nugget inside.

Wilbur and Tommy looked to Techno in shock.

He looked to his brothers, "What?" "Where the fuck did that come from?!" Wilbur expressed as Techno smiled.

"It was one of the few rings that I made for My Wife, this was the beta one but I like how it turned out!"

Tommy and Wilbur looked to eachother then back to their brother.

"You are in love Technoblade and it sicken me" Tommy joked as Techno had a goofy grin.

"I'll be back!" He exclaimed putting on his robe and quickly leaving the room.

"I hope for them" Wilbur laughed as Tommy chuckled "They're perfect for eachother you gotta admit Wil"

Quickly, Techno rushed to what is know as Steve's room.

He knocked on the door awaiting you to answer. His heart was racing as he carefully got on his knee.

You opened the door, covering your body with your own robe before stopping in your tracks looking to Techno.

"[Y/N] I want you to marry me" He spoke as you smiled holding back a giggle, "But Techno we're already-" "No I mean for real, I want you and I to marry eachother knowing it was our decision!"

He stood up taking your hands in his one. "So..Will you marry me?" You laughed and nodded "Of course I will Techno!"

He smiled slipping the copper ring on your finger. "I promise that's not your wedding wing but this one will work perfectly for now" he smiled rambling on.

You looked at him happily and you grabbed his face and kissed him. His tail swaying quickly.

"You should get back you your room, Goodnight Technoblade" you smiled as he smiled widely "Goodnight My Dear"

You softly closed the door as Techno made his way back to his room.

You took off your robe and snuggled back into bed feeling butterflies in your stomach. You admired the ring and smiled as Steve approved.

"SHE SAID YES!" Techno laughed as he flopped on his bed with a big smile.

He stimmed with his hands as Wilbur and Tommy smiled to eachother. They had never seem Techno this happy before.

They were happy of he was.

"Well isn't that a shocker!" Wilbur joked as Techno looked to his brother on happiness.

[Word count 808]



𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now