Chapter 14

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Groaning you sat up in bed still in a haze as you had just woke up. Looking to yourside you noticed that Technoblade was gone.

Looking to the clock you saw it was almost twelve in the afternoon. That was..earlier that you usual got up.

Getting up and out of bed you stretched. Both your back and wings. Walking to the dresser you looked to the shirt that Techno had 'gifted you'. Shrugging you threw it on as well as a pair of comfy shorts and socks.

You wondered, where had Techno gone? Should you stay here and wait?

Nah, let's explore the castle.

A very reasonable thing to do in a place you're unfamiliar with.

So you did so and made a trip around the castle, maybe you'd find Techno.

Carefully walking around you'd occasionally peak in room from room until you heard faint noise coming from around the corner.

You walked up to the door and stopped to see Techno and Wilbur, to what seemed to be, sparring.

You smiled watching the two of them mess around. You've only seen this in shows, never upfront and so in person.

After what seemed to be around ten minutes, Wilbur fell to the ground and groaned.

Techno had won.

You clapped causing Techno to freeze and turn to you.

You smiled to him as his face flushed red.

Techno was now officially, embarrassed.

Not of you seeing, but seeing.

He wasn't too familiar with these reactions towards him winning a silly little game between his brother felt good.

He liked it.

He helped Wilbur up as a chuckle left his brother, "Looks like you've got quite the crowd Techno" a smirk rested to his lips as Wilbur cleared up his equipment and made his way over to you.

He gave you a wink before leaving the room fully.

You didn't think much of it.

As Techno cleaned up Tommy had also made his way out the room, smiling to you before exiting.

"For a fast fighter, you clean up slow" you remarked as your 'fiance' turned to you.

Rolling his eyes he walked up to you and looked serious, "You're okay right? What were you doing around this place on your own?" He questioned a small amount of worry in his voice.

"I didn't know where you were" you responded truthfully as he frowned, "Did something happen? Are you okay?"

You chuckled and nodded "I'm fine Technoblade, nothing happened"

He sighed in relief as you looked to him.

"But...I am a bit hungry" commenting you looked to the side as Techno tsked

"We should get the princess her food then, shouldn't we?" He teased as you flicked his snout in response.

[Word count 457]

This chapter had my brain go bzbzbzbzbzbzb5bzbzbzbtbtbtbtbNzn

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now