Chapter 8

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You both stood there.


You hated it.

So did he.

Clearing his throat, Techno bowed to you, one hand over his torso, the other held out.

Carefully you placed your hand in his as he reluctantly kissed it before standing up straight.

Dusting himself off, he put his hands behind his back once again as he look down at you.



There was another pause.

It kept going.

"You uh..gonna stand there and say something or.." you mumbled as Techno rolled his eyes.

"I'm only here because Phil wanted me to talk to you"

"I can assure I want nothing to do with you..however my parents want me to talk to you..aswell.."

The silence returned.

Taking a breath you looked to him then up to Schlatt who smiled giving you a thumbs up.

Techno gazed in that direction seeing Phil doing the same.

Looking back to eachother, Techno cleared his throat and took a bow while holding his hand out.

He was asking for a dance.

This was only to make Phil and Schlatt happy.

You chuckled to yourself at the ridiculous sight in front of you.

Taking his hand, you rest the other on his shoulder as his other hand rested on your hip.

Techno could tell you were unsure what to do, he smiled slightly.

"Let me take the lead, you just follow" he spoke as you carefully followed his lead.

The dance went surprisingly well as it finished up.

You laughed as you hands left his body. His following suit.

"That was fucking ridiculous" you spoke as Techno agreed.

An overhead single clap was heard.

Everyone's attention turned to Phil as he smiled happily.

"We have a special announcement for you all. I ask my sons to join me back on the stand aswell as our honored guest" Phil smiled as Techno looked to you confused as you shrugged and made your way up.

You took your place standing in front of  your parents, as Techno did the same.

"As you all know Mantopia and L'manburg have been 'at war' for some time now, but today, that era of history ends as we make an alliance with our Kingdoms. Our Countries."

"Today to unite our oldest to take heir of the kingdoms and our thones!"



[Word Count 386]

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now