Chapter 49

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"Hey! That's not proper table etiquette" Wilbur joked after you threw a crumpled-up napkin at him.

You only gave your brother-in-law a smirk as the parents entered the dining area. You and Techno were seated at the head of the table, Phil and Kristen were on Techno's side as Schlatt and Quackity were to you.

Next to Kristen sat Wilbur and Tommy, across from them were empty chairs, you didn't have any siblings.

The servers soon came out with the meal Phil had requested, you smiled and thanked them, Techno giving a small smile and nod.

Conversations had start all throughout the table, you and Techno whispering among yourselves. You looked to Techno nervously aswell as worried, he could only reassure you.

"[Y/N]?" Schlatt questioned causing you to jump and look to your father, "Huh! Oh, sorry Pops" you chuckled as he looked to you.

"We asked you a question kid" he responded as you then got nervous once more.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat the question?" You asked as Quackity looked to you and Techno

"We asked about when can we expect grandchildren" Quackity joked as you and Techno both stiffed.

"Uh..I..excuse me.." you mumbled getting up from the table and stepping away from the dining area.

Everyone looked to Techno as his ears laid flat on his head. Before question could be asked he excused himself and went to find you.

The dining room was silent as Schlatt and Quackity looked to eachother with worry. "Should we-" Quackity was cut off by Kristin "No, they'll return, give them seems like a sensitive subject for them.."

"My Dear are you alright?" Techno questioned as he found you sitting on the staircase with your head in hands.

"Honestly..I just feel..guilty.." you mumbled as Techno took a seat next to you, "I mean the question was bound to pop up but, I guess it's still an open wound for me" you shrugged.

Techno wrapped his arm around your shoulder, "Your feelings are completely valid My Dear" Techno spoke "I'll admit it's a soft spot for me too"

"Really? I thought it wasn't a big deal to you" "Well.." Techno glanced away as you laughed with a sniffle.

"We'll figure something out, I promise you" Techno smiled as he kisses the top of your head.

"We should head back.." you mumbled as Techno agreed with a laugh.

The both of you returned to the dining room, you apologized for leaving and took a seat.

"[Y/N], is everything alright? I apologized for bringing the topic up" Quackity frowned feeling guilty as you waved it off.

"It's okay Dad, it's just..a guess a sensitive topic for us" you explained then going to light hearted joking, "I wouldn't give your hopes up on grandkids" a light chuckle left you.

Techno couldn't help but also let out a small smile.

Tommy however softly asked, "What does that mean?" "I'm unable to carry anything" you explained as he hummed

"So does that mean you'll adopt?" Tommy questioned as you and Techno looked to eachother "Honestly, probably our safest option" Techno smiled.

This then led to the "grandkids" conversation, however this time in a different sense.

"So are you like hundred percent unable to?" Wilbur questioned as you thought about it "More like ninety-nine percent" you shrugged as he smiled "So their still hope" he wink to Techno causing your husband to get embarrassed.


"Mmm..I don't think so" You laughed as Techno gasped feeling offended "I find it unfair you refuse to let ne use my favorite two pillows that happen to be on your chest" Techno joked as you rolled your eyes.

"I'm sorry Hun, I'd let you but they feel really sore and sensitive" you frowned as Techno smiled giving you a gentle kiss to the lips, "I'm only messing My Dear"

You smiled as he got into bed next to you, "Any idea on why they're like that?" You shrugged "Eh, probably period stuff although its late.." you commented as Techno chuckled.

"Probably from all the stress we're putting ourselves through" he spoke as he turned the lights out as you agreed.

"Yeah think we could go to a foster home or something tomorrow?" You questioned as Techno hummed in agreement.

"Yeah, we can do that, the process takes a few months though if we make a decision after our background checks and stuff" your husband mumbled as he snuggled in your side as he wrapped his arms around you.

You smiled playing with his hair, "I'm completely fine with that"

[Word count 773]


Also so reader is afab but now used They/Them throughout the story


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