Chapter 32

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"You'll be fine!" Quackity reassured and you were fidgeting with your fingers. Kristen zipped up the jumpsuit before straightening out the train attached to it.

"So I know it's still early but what's the status on grandkids?" Kristen teases causing your face to burn red.

"I uh..I wouldn't be apposed to it, but when it happened we'll let you know" you chuckled.

"Well don't wait too long, we aren't getting any younger" Quackity joked "In all seriousness, don't feel pressure to do anything, go your own pace in this"

You fixed up your hair and nodded before Kristen raised a brow. "Dear, where did you get that ring from?" She questioned as you looked to your finger with a blush.

"Oh uh..Techno, he proposed with it-" you shyly smiled as Kristen and Quackity looked to eachother wide eyes.

"He proposed?!" She exclaimed happily while jumping up and down. You nodded as she smiled widely shaking her hands in excitement. "Oh! I must tell Phil! I shall be back!" She smiled rushing out the room.

You stood there with a red face as Quackity smiled happily, "I'm really happy for you, and to think you two used to hate eachother" "Yeah, it's crazy..but I do love him..I'm happy to marry Techno"

Your father chuckled as he examined around your outfit. "You sure you don't want your wings out? Aren't they cramped?" "Uh..a little but it's fine, no one would wanna see me with wings anyways" you commented.

Quackity gasped "who on Earth told you that?! Your beautiful with your wings, you should have them out and be you" "Yeah but..the last guy said they were a nuance and disruptive and..ugly" your frowned now realizing why you subconsciously hid away your wings.

"For one none of that's true, and two this is Technoblade, not him." Quackity spoke as you nodded.

You sighed and released your wings out and stretched them.

It felt..good to have them out.

Maybe you'd keep it that way.

"Are your kids gonna be pig who fly? Will that take away the saying when pigs fly?" Quackity asked as you laughed and hit his arm

"You're a fucking idiot Dad" you commented "Blame your Father, it rubs off on me" He teased as you both finished getting ready for the wedding.

[Word count 390]




𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now