Chapter 40

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The entire ride to Mantopia was painful.

Physically and Mentally.

You felt numb yet everything hurt at the same time.

You hadn't realized that you were crying until Technoblade wrapped he arms around you. His care gently rubbing your back.

"It'll be okay" He softly spoke, you admittedly, shoved him away harshly.

"Its not! Technoblade, my father is dying! He's going to die!" You yelled as you sniffled "My father is fucking dying!!"

Technoblade was stunned by the react you had but he knew you were going through it.

"Do you want me to hold you?" He questioned as you looked to the ground in silence and nodded. He opened his arms and you curled up in his lap, his arms wrapping around you.

You took deep breaths as your husband rubbed your back slowly.

"If he dies..Pops will step down..meaning I'll have to step up.." you mumbled as Technos ears perked up at this.

He never thought about that.

"What do you mean, I understand but I'd like you to go in detail if your comfortable with it" he spoke as he looked down to you. "Since I'm and only child, and the Kingdom is technically my father, that being Schlatt, Pops can't run the kingdom, he may be his husband but he's not a heir, plus I doubt he'd wanna rule without my father, that being said I'll have to take over"

"You'll..have to leave?" Techno frowned as you shrugged "Precisely, unless we find a way for me to rule a kingdom two hours away"

As those word were said, the car stopped. You looked out the window to see the castle you once grew up in.

From first born to the age of twenty-two.

You sighed and took a deep breath before getting out the car and thanking the driver. Techno followed suit and grabbed the bags before thanking the driver.

You went through the gate and up the stairs to the front entrance where your two favorite guards were standing.

They both let you and Techno in immediately.

You turned to see Donnie who was one of your few servents, "Hey Don, can you take these to my room please?" You questioned as he nodded as took the bags from Techno and off to your room.

You held Technos hand as you dragged him to the room your father would stay on his sick days.

You frowned upon seeing your father. Schlatt looked weak.

However at the sight of you he perked up with a smile.

"[Y/N]! C'mere kid, I'd like a hug" Schlatt smiled as your tears returned, you quickly went to him and held him close and tight in your arms.

"How long have you been like his Dad?" You questioned, wiping your eyes as he sighed "I uh..maybe a week or two..I've lost track" he responded admittedly.

"Why didn't you tell me? You know I would've come here in a heartbeat" you frowned as he chuckled "I didn't want you to worry, plus you're here now and that all the matters"

Before you could respond, Quackity entered the room, he was glad to see you and Technoblade here.

"Schlatt you gotta take your medicine" Quackity spoke as Schlatt groaned in distraught. He hated that medicine. He rarely took it. But now it was mandatory.

He took the pills with a whine then looked to you, "Where's Techno? Did you come alone?" "I'm here, apologizes I didn't wanna intrude on the conversations" Techno chuckled walking up next to you.

Schlatt smiled seeing him "Ah! My Son, I assume your taking good care of [Y/N]?" He teased as Techno smiled "The best they can get"

Schlatt laughed then frowned as he calmed down. "I don't really want this whole death thing to happen to me" He frowned as you looked away.

"But on the bright side, [Y/N] you'll have full control even over in L'manburg" Schlatt spoke "Also if you have a kid you can give then the thrown of Mantopia at the age of sixteen" he suggested as you and Techno turned to eachother.

Sixteen? That was bit young for the thrown..

"We'll think about it Pops" you chuckled

[Word count 703]


𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now