Chapter 39

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⚠️ The air was hot a heated as Techno continued to grind roughly against you causing whines and soft moans to leave your lips.

You were both currently under the covers, naked..ew

"No more teasing" you frowned as he smiled with a nod and grabbed the condom, he carefully opened it, slipping it on.

You giggled as he raises a brow, "Penis sock" you laughed as Techno looked tonyou with wide eyes. He had started to laugh.

Even in these moments you were both still goofy.

"Ready? Or do you need a moment?" Techno questioned as you confirmed that you were ready.

He carefully lined himself up as you tapped his shoulder, "Hey Techno..go easy on me alright?" You questioned as his tail swayed.

"Of course My Dear" he spoke connecting your lips as he carefully pushed himself in. He could feel your grip in his shoulder tighten aswell as your breath hitch. The sound of your soft whine cause him to pull away from the kiss.

He looked to you face which seemed to be in both embarrassed and pleasure. "Tell me when I can move Dear, I'll be gentle" he promised as you pulled him closer.

"Techno. I'm giving you permission to do whatever, as long as you're easy with me, it's the first time.." you admitted "You and me both" he chuckled taking hold of your thighs lifting your legs a big as he began to thrust causing gasps the quiet moans to leave your lips.

You covered your mouth as you felt Techno getting deeper with each thrust of his. Yet he was still being careful and gentle, even when he quickened his pace.

You're wings shot up and out as you moaned into your hand, you had reached your climax. Techno was almost there, his breath was heavy as he huffed before pulling you very close and burying his face in your neck as he groaned.

Techno had reached his.

You both lied there for a moment thinking about the event that just took place.

You had just had your first time with Techno and he had his first time with you.

It felt right. It felt..nice.

Carefully Techno pulled out and removed the condom before getting up and properly disposing of it.

Coming back from the bathroom, Techno cleaned you up with a cloth and looked to you. ⚠️

"Want me to run you a bath?" Techno questioned as you nodded with a giggle "I would very much appreciate that Honey"

His tail swayed at the nickname. While the bath was running and filling up, Techno got changed and dresses into his nightwear.

Before he shut the water off however he added epsom salts to the water. He turned off the faucet and walked back to you.

You laughed as he picked you up carefully and gently put you in the tub.

"Just tell me when you're ready to get out alright? I'll give you some privacy" he smiled as he walked back in the room to change the sheets.

Nothing suspicious at that? Not at all.

There was a knock on the room door that caused Techno to grow red and he took off the last of the sheets.

He calmed himself down and cracked the door open. There stood Phil and Kristen.

Shit. What did he do this time?

"Techno can we talk for second?" Phil asked quietly as he nodded. "I'll be right back" he called to you as you responded with an "Okay"

Stepping out the room, Techno closed the door behind him as Phil looked nervous to say something. "So...uh.." he wasn't sure how to start the topic, like a writer who doesn't know where to take a scene in a story.

"[Y/N] needs to go back to Mantopia.." Phil spoke with a frown and Technos eyes widened "What, why?" He asked concerned ad Kristen piped in "Schlatt has fallen unwell, he wants to see them"

"Shit.." Techno mumbled "Shouldn't I go with? Incase anything happens?" "It would be a better option" Phil agreed as  the discussion finished.

Techno walked to the bathroom to see you in silent tears. You heard the conversation. You knew what was happening.

He helped you out the tub and wrapped you in a towel, holding you close.

"Stay here, I'll pack our bags" he spoke softly rubbing your back and kissing your forehead.

You knew your father was sick. You've always known.

You just didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Techno came back with clothes and you quickly put them on.

Grabbed your bags, you and Techno got into the car and off to your home.

You were going home.

[Word count 783]



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