Chapter 51

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"Where are we Techno?" You questioned as his hands covered your eyes as he helped you step out the car.

You could tell he was giddy and excited over something.

Uncovering your eyes, you looked to him confused. You two were standing in front of the agency you has visited last month.

Taking your hand Techno smiled as you two walked in the building "What if I told you..we were approved for the adoption?" He questioned as you looked to him suprised.

Before you could say a word a woman walked up to you and Techno excited.

"Oh! Perfect you two are right on time, come with me to the office we have lots to discuss" she smiled happily as Techno looked to you with a smile.

You could only smile back.

Once in the office, you took a seat with a smile, "It's a pleasure seeing you again Ms. Miller" you smiled as she smiled back "Oh pleases, pleasures all mine" setting two folders on her desk she looked to you two seriously.

"Now, I am aware that one of our workers visited the other day?" She questioned as Techno nodded, "Right so the only mild concern was the polar bear.." "Oh! Steve, I assure you he's no harm, he's like a cat honestly" you chuckled.

Ms. Miller smiled "He seemed to cause no harm so we figured if he's well behaved now, that shall continue, now on the main topic"

Ms. Miller handed you and Techno each a file, both containing information on two children.

"We understand you two were planning on adopting one child, however Hephaestus refused to be anywhere or separated from Artemis, they've grown attached"

You looked to Techno who pe4ked at the names, his tail quick seeming to wag, "Where uh..where did they get those name? Are they birth names or.."

"Oh no, Hephaestus gave it to himself, he had it from before he was with us but he gave the name to Artemis, she stuck with it ever since."

You chuckled seeing Techno excited, looking to the files your eyes slightly widened seeing the age of Hephaestus.

He was sixteen and Artemis was six.

Ten years apart.

"Something on your mind Dear?" Techno questioned "You've been staring for a while, didn't hear the question"

"Oh! Apologies, I was reading, um what was the question?"

Ms. Miller smiled "I asked if you two would like to go through with the adoption" "Oh absolutely!" You smiled.


"I shall return with the children, Oh they'll be ecstatic!" Ms. Miller smiled leaving the room.

After she left you frowned as Techno placed him hand on your shoulder, "You're nervous about the boy aren't you?" "I just feel so bad for him Techno!" You turned to your husband "It said he's constantly been in and out of homes and he's sixteen, that's so much for someone his'll take a while for him to warm up to us"

Kissing your head, Techno took your hands, "Stop worrying and let's make the most of what we have right now, ues it'll take him a while but that's all part of the process"

Both of your attention were cut as the door opened, in came Ms. Miller along with Hephaestus and Artemis.

You could tell they were both nervous, Hephaestus not making eye contact, or looking your direction, and Artemis who was intensely staring are you and Technoblade.

"Hephaestus, Artemis, these are your new parents, Technoblade and [Y/N]"

[Word count 583]




𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now