Chapter 30

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"You really couldn't have waited until tomorrow huh?"

"No." Techno mumbled tiredly as he snuggled deeper into you.

He had come into your room in the middle of night, just so he could hold you.

"Can we go back to our room?" He questioned as you nodded with a chuckle. Petting Steve while getting up, you told him to be a good boy.

Steve nodded in response with a happy noise.

Once back in the shared room you laid back down as you still were tired. It was very early, the wedding wasn't until five in the afternoon and it was five in the morning.

Twelve whole hours.

Techno had gone into the connected library room as he was making sure the wedding ring was safe and sound. As he walked out he looked at you as you had a frown.

As he made his way to you, you opened your arms inviting him for a hug, a smile on both of your faces.

Laughing Techno gladly accepted as you held his face while his hands held your arms.

"I wanna thank you again for letting me  keep Steve, it means alot to me" you admitted as he chuckled, "If you want the truth My Dear, I wanted to keep him too"

You smiled connecting your foreheads, hands still on his face,  his hands however now resting on your hips.

"You're very handsome Techno, I hope you know that" you compliment as he grinned happily, his tail swaying rhythmically as he looked to you.

"You My Dear are so beautiful just like a goddess" he responded looming to you with half lidded eyes as he brought his lips to yours.

You let out a pleased hum as you brought your hands to his shoulders.

This kisses were short and sweet until then became longer. The longer kisses started to get heated.

Carefully Techno slipped his tongue as you gladly accepted his offer. The once small kisses had now turned into making out.

Along with making out, came arousal. Something that was growing in the both of you.

⚠️ Carefully, Techno brought his hips into your, his slowly grinding into your as you gasped into the kiss as your legs wrapped around his waist.

Your legs, without a single thought, brought Techno closer as he huffed in pleasure.

He happily accepted the fact you brought him in closer and quickened his movements, getting a little rougher.

You both pulled away from the kiss,needing air, and look eachother in the eyes. Sheepishly you smiled to him as he buried his face in you're neck.

You let out a soft but quiet moan as Techno was both still keeping up with his movements and kissing around your neck.

Your hands tighted their grip and both you and Techno were letting out huffs of breath.

His left hand slipped down to remove your pajama pants as his right hand gripped a but tigher  ⚠️

That was until there was a knock on the door.

Frozen, you and Techno looks to eachother in shock as your faces were red and your breathing was heavy.

You softly kissed his snout as he groaned and got up to answer the door.

Openings the door he stopped and perked up nervously seeing both pairs of parents.

"Um..hi?" He squeaked out as Schlatt raised a brow looked at the piglin in front of him.

"Techno hun, we need [Y/N]" Kristen smiled, "We however are hear for you" Schlatt smiled as Techno nodded and looked to you who sat up quickly fixing yourself.

You sheepishly walked into the view of the door. "You two are hopeless" Phil laughed as Kristen corrected him "You were the same way"

You and Techno looked away as you left with Kristen and Quackity while Techno stayed with Philza and Schlatt.

Techno smiled and you waved goodbye to him knowing you wouldn't see him for the next few hours.

[Word count 657]

Was this censor/warning system a good idea? That way you can read but skip that part if you don't wanna read it.

Anyways It only goes uphill from here :D


𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now