Chapter 50

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[There's one mention of throwing up]

"I'm fine Technoblade thank you" you laughed as Techno swallowed nervously as he set the wet cloth over your head.

It seemed almost comedic that you had run down with some type of sickness. However the other day, you and Techno had just visited a few foster homes and adoption centers.

Kids aren't exactly the cleanest creatures on earth.

Kissing your cheek Techno looked to you "Hopefully you get well soon My Dear, I was informed about a party over in Snowchester next week and if your unwell I will not be attending"

You sat up in protest about to speak before holding your head from a dizzy spell. Techno chuckled laying your back down.

"Since it's early I should also tell you Happy Birthday" Techno smiled and you perked up "What? It's not..Techno what day is it?" "[MM/DD]" he responded as you looked to him shocked.

"Wow..and ew.." you groaned "Ew! I'm twenty-three Techno!" "Twenty-three isn't that bad, I'll be twenty-five this year" Techno laughed as he removed the rag from your head and replaced it with another cool one.

You looked to him with a soft smile before you stopped, quickly you got up despite the dizzy spell and quickly threw up in the toilet.

You felt you body shake as Techno quickly made his way to help you.

After a few moments you were fine, Techno helped you clean up and brought you back to the bed.


Weeks had passed and you felt better than ever. However Techno insisted on taking you to the doctor to find the source of the illness.

As it turns it was just a mild cold/flu sickness, nothing more, nothing less.

Back in the bedroom, Techno was reading a book on the bed as you were writing at the desk. However a thought came to mind and you stopped.

"Technoblade?" You spoke as he perked up, "Hm?" "When did you first fall for me?" "If you want the truth, I think when we first met as kids, but in other sense, I'd say when you first wore my shirt I offered" "Oh, you mean the same night you walked in on me?" You questioned as he laughed.

"Indeed, so how about yourself My Dear?" Techno questioned as you thought for a moment, "The day you told me you had a ring, you winked at me" you smiled.

Techno groaned with a laughed "You think we fell for eachother too quickly?" You stood up from the chair and made your way to the bed, "Hmm..if so, I'm glad we did" you smiled crawling in the bed and resting your head on his chest.

Looking up to him your eyes widened, "You have reading glasses?!" You remarked as Techno chuckled softly with a nod, "Indeed I do Princess" "Why haven't I seen them before?" "I have to have some secrets of my own don't I?" He teased.

You looked at him with a huff and roll of the eyes. Your arms wrapped around your husband as you curled up, getting comfortable.

Techno softly smiled as he watched before reaching for the weighted blanket and draping it over you to the best of his ability with one arm.

Once you were covered he closed the book in his other arm and set it in the bedside table.

He settled his hand on your back as he took a soft breath and rested his head back.

There was a nice quiet until there was a soft knock on the door, "It's open" Techno mumbled as you stirred in your fresh sleep.

Peaking in Phil looked to his son in excitement. Techno looked in his fathers hand that contained a letter

"Techno...the adoptions been approved and finalized" Phil spoke as Techno looked to his father with wide eyes his tail swaying happily and quickly.

"What!?" Technos smile grew as he looked down to you in excitement.

[Word count 665]

Balls <3

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now