Chapter 45

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"TECHNOBLADE NO! BAD PIGGY!" You yelped seconds before being thrown into the large pool.

"That's no way to treat your wife Technoblade" Wilbur laughed as his older brother only smiled.

However what the boys didn't know is you could hold you breath underwater up to a minute.

You were a duck after all.

Seconds were passing and Wilbur and Tommy exchanged glances with Techno  before he quickly jumped in, scooping you out from the water. 

Once at the surface you giggled as you held onto Techno as he  looked to you with wide eyes. His hold on you strong.

He grumbled something in your ear causing your face to flush pink "Yeah okay" rolling your eyes you removed yourself from Technos hold and swam over to where Tommy was.

"So Tom, are your wings clipped?" You questioned as he perked up "Huh? Oh! least not that I know of" he spoke as you smiled "You know how to fly?"

He looks as you nervously "Not..particularly.." "what type of wings do you have?" Tommy smiled softly, he was happy to be able to talk about his wings with someone.

He was the only brother who had them, so it always made him feel out of place but with you around, he felt so much better.

"Corvidae" he responded "It's like a crows but smaller I think, that what my dad is" he smiled. The two of you continued to talk for a good bit, while doing so Wilbur went to Techno.

"So Techno" Wilbur smiled "When can I expect to become an uncle hm?" This caused Techno to chuckle as he looked to you.

" be honest Wilbur, we haven't exactly been trying as a goal..but um..we've yknow" Techno responded softly as he looked back to his brother as they both took a seat.

"So you've tried?" Wilbur questioned as Techno shook his head. "No, but we plan on it in the future, I just meant we went once without protection, other were with"

Wilbur nodded as him and Techno both turned in time to see you pull Tommy into the pool. Tommy being himself screeched as he was pulled in.

"I think you'll be a great father Technoblade" Wilbur smiled as Techno laughed.

"Thank Wilbur"

[Word count 381]

Pee pee

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now