Chapter 13

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Technoblade had woken up, early as usual, looking down at you he noticed he was how on his back with you resting your head on his chest, while laying on your side.

He smiled slightly looking at the time that read five-thirty in the morning. Looking back to you he noticed your wings had wrapped around to cover the both of you to the best ability.

Carefully, he slipped out from underneath you, covering you back up with the blanket.

Getting ready for the day, he stayed as quiet as possible, as not to wake you.

He looked over to you as he walkednto the door. His eyes were met with you curled up, bundled in the blankets.

Carefully he left the room and made his way to the training room to meet with his 'favorite' brother. Wilbur.

"About time you showed up, what held you up?" Wil questioned putting on his armor as Techno followed suit.

"I have a wife now Wilbur, I gotta be careful and quiet when getting ready" Techno responded "They aren't used to getting up this early, just like Tommy, they like like to sleep in"

"And your cool with it? Wouldn't you want your wife to be up with you?" Wilbur asked as Techno smiled grabbing his sword.

"Well it'd be nice yes but it's also nice when they're comfortable and doing things how they'd like" "But what if you woke up and they weren't there? How would you react?"

"I'm unsure, it hasn't happened yet" Techno chuckled getting into his stance as Wilbur followed.


The hour was now at nine and the sparring continued on.

Tommy had since woken up to spectate as usual.

Taking a swig of water Techno huffed as he felt a bit tired. "I say we call quits early Wilbur" "Awe worried about your wife? Come one Techno we've got a few more hours in us" Wilbur teases

Shaking his head Techno continued on with the sparring and knocked Wilbur down in a swift movement.

"HA! You suck Wil!" Tommy called from the seats in the room as Wilbur flipped off his younger brother.

Getting up Wilbur took a stance.

Techno followed through for the next two hours.

Finally after the long sparring battle Techno once again knocked Wilbur down, this time him flopping in the ground giving up.

Techno let out a chuckle looking down to his brother.

A few small claps were heard as Techno turned tobsee you in the door way with a smile.

Softly his face turned red as he saw you standing in the door way.

How long had you been standing there?

[Word Count 440]


𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now