Chapter 43

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You woke up feeling groggy. Looking around, you noticed only Steve in bed with you. You frowned at this, not because it was Steve but because you didn't know where Techno went.

Getting up with Steve the two of you made your way round and stopped at Wilburs room where all three boys were knocked out cold.

Techno was snoring, Wilbur was a mouth breather, and Tommy was in a weird least he wasn't crushing his wings.

You were about to leave until your eyes noticed the paper on the table.

Quietly you snuck over and glanced at the paper.

You're heart ached seeing what the boys had been doing all night. You frowned, leaving the room before they caught you.

You had no doubt Dream would've done this, he'd do anything to get to the top.

In the kitchen you greeted the cooks before they handed you Steve's breakfast.

However he refused to eat it.

That was..odd

"Aren't you hungry Steve?" You questioned confused as you picked up his plate. Going to the cooks you apologized and asked if "Steve could get a new one as he wasn't eating this one"

The main cook Sally smiled and agreed. After a few moments she handed you a new plate. You thanked her profusely and apologized again before going to Steve and setting down the plate for him.

He carefully sniffed the plate before sitting down and happily eating. This concerned you.

You decided you should go wake Technoblade up as it was getting late, even for him to be asleep.

Looking up you saw Technoblade who was leaning on the doorway of the kitchen. His arms were crossed.

"[Y/N]. Bedroom." He spoke before walking off. His tone seemed off, so you slowly follow behind.

Once in the room you close the door and looked to Techno who was pacing back and forth. He seemed upset.

Techno turned to you with an expression you couldn't read.

"I hope you know I will never forgive you for this." He spoke as you looked to him confused, "This wouldn't have happened if you just..." Techno stopped and huffed as you gasped at his words.

"Techno are you..blaming me for Phil?" You questioned quietly as he crossed him arms looking to you. " are.." you spoke.

There was a long silence " Right then..I'll be on my way" you announced calmly as he raised a brow, "Excuse me?" "Well its obvious you wouldn't want me around if your accusing me of such"

Techno stopped as he watched you leave the room. Everything stopped. Techno felt the tears leave his eyes.

'Fuck fuck no!' was all that was running through his head.

He suddenly felt this shaking feeling, the voices saying his name. Over and Over.

Suddenly he jolted awake eyes wide and full of tears as he looked to you who had a face full of concern.

"Techno are you-" you were cut off by Techno wrapped his arms around you tightly as he cried.

"Come on Techno, let's go to the room, you can tell me everything there" you spoke softly as he sniffled and rubbed his eyes.

In the room, you motioned Techno to the bed. He took a seat as looked to you.

"Would you like to talk about your dream?"  You questioned as he took a deep breath and nodded "It's was so stupid I blamed you for what happened to Phil and you left..I lost you over my stupid words" he mumbled as you looked to him.

Taking a seat next to him you questioned "Do you?" "What?" "Do you blame me, be honest with me" He looked to ground.

"I don't blame you..I blame the circumstances that happened" he spoke as you chuckled softly "I blame myself"

Techno perked up and looked to you suprised and confused. He saw the tears fall from you face. "Why on earth do you blame yourself?! It's not your fault!" Techno frowned as you laughed weakly.

"I blame myself because if I never became your wife, Dream would've never found me and did this" you sniffled. "But I have no regrets on marrying you"

Techno chuckled as Techno held you in his arms with a smile and slightly laugh.

"I know this is bad timing but..I've been thinking" Techno rubbed the back of his neck "Thinking? That such a big thing for you" you joked with a laugh as he pushed you off his lap onto the floor.

You laughed harder as he rolled his eyes.

You stayed on the floor as he smiled looking to you.

"I promise to protect you My Dear" he whispered, you looked to him confused, "Oh? Where is this coming from?" You joked as he bend down grabbing your calves and pulling you up to him.

You were now sitting on his lap while laying back. "From me Dear, that where" "Well so much for protection, you've killed me see? I'm dead, you pushed me, I'm crying right now, I can't believe this" you joked dramatically.

Techno smiled and laughed pulling the rest of your body up, accidentally bonking his forehead into yours.

You laughed as he smiled while looking to you. He was mesmerized by you.

Your laugher was cut short as he took hold of your chin with a soft smile before kissing your lips softly.

You hummed into kiss, resting your hands on his chest, his holding down on your thighs. Slightly squeezing.

Pulling away you smiled, "Oh! What were you thinking about?" You questioned as he perked up with a blush "Ah...yknow..things" "Techno use your words" you booked his nose as he looked as you wide eyed, open mouth.

Did you just do that to him?

You closed his mouth with a chuckle "You'll catch flies" you smiled.

Oh that's how you were playing?

Without a word, Techno flip you both over, pinning you to the bed.

"You're being a brat and I dislike it" he pointed out as you smiled "Aw that sucks doesn't it"

He groaned getting up from you as their was a knock on the door.

Openings the door Techno froze before he screamed and fell back causing you to jump up and looked to him in worry.

You went to him and kneeled next to him, "Techno are you-" you followed his shaking finger as you looked to the door. "..okay.." you mumbled the last part of the sentence.

You looked to Techno as he looked to you. You both then looked back to the man at the door.

[Word count 1109]



Writing this actually felt really nice after the break I took

Your heart stopped as you frozs

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now