Chapter 18

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"Go fish" you chuckled as Techno groaned picking up another card.

You were currently holding your last card in hand as Techno looked to you.

"Do you have any two of hearts?" You spoke as Techno shook his head "Go fish"

Picking up a card from the pile you laughed as set down the matching pair. "I win."

"Fuck, okay" Techno set down his cards in hand and frowned. "Don't be sad, you'll win next time" you smiled as Techno rolled onto his back, "Yeah I highly doubt that with your father owning your kingdoms casino"

"Well that doesn't mean you can't still win one day" you responded while cleaning up the deck of card and putting them back into the box.

"So, what now?" You questioned as Techno shrugged "I don't know, day is almost over though.." "That's because you decided to take a nap" "You joined in so I don't wanna here it" he pointed out as he got up and stretched.

His back popped as you cringed at the noise. "Ew." You mumbled as he raised a brow to you, "Oh be quiet, you complain to much" he jokes as you stood up cause your knee to pop.

"See? Karma" Techno snickered as you whinced from the weird feeling.

"What are you in the mood for anyway?" He questioned as you shrugged "I'd recommend getting ready for bed since you sleep so early but you napped" "Ten is not that early!" "By my standards it is"

"We can still get ready, just, not sleep" Techno said as you laughed. "Nice try pretty pig but I don't cuddle people for free, you'll have to pay me" you responded in a sarcastic tone as Techno held up a book.

"I'll read to you." He spoke "Deal." You agree as he looked to you suprised. Grabbing your pajama gear you went into the bathroom to get changed and do whatever else you needed.

At the same time, Techno got changed, afterwards he sat up in bed as he waited for you to come from the bathroom.

His ears perked up as he saw you walk out in just his shirt. "Being bold tonight aren't you Princess?" He joked as you got under the covers "It's hot in here Techno, leave me be" you responded as you looked at the book in his hand.

Your eyes widened seeing the book in his hand. A book from your childhood, Chester

"Techno what the fuck" you giggled as he smiled "Well.. I asked your parents about different books you liked and Quackity said this was your favorite a kid, so I thought you'd like to read it again"  he smiled proudly as you rested your head on his chest.

"I never expected you to go this far just to..yknow make me happy, especially over a book" you admitted as he wrapped his arm around you as he open the book.

"Well, we have about two weeks left? I'd rather you marry me as a friend rather than someone you know nothing about, it's only far to you that I get to know you more and vice versa" Techno responded looked to you.

Your face flushed pink as you smiled happily. "I'll make this up to you I promise, you've done so much for me so it's only fair I do something for you"

"No need dear, you do just enough being here really, I'll admit I wasn't sure of this arrangement at first but, I think I'm okay with getting married to you"

You smiled and sat up, "Sit up, while you read, I'll braid your hair" you chuckled as he rolled his eyes with amusement "I'm all ready sitting up?" "You know what I mean!" You frowned going to the bathroom to grab the comb, brush, and spray bottle.

Waddling back over to the bed, you carefully set everything down as you climbed in the bed behind Technoblade.

Techno read the book in the way of a parent reading their kid a bedtime story. It made you chuckle as you carefully combed his hair.

A few minutes later Techno had finished the book, you however were just getting started on the braid.

"What were you doing the entire time?" Techno questioned as you chuckled "Playing with your hair, it's soft unlike the scruff of hair you have all over your face"

Scoffing Techno covered his heart with his hand "I'm absolutely offended! My own wife insulting me!" "How dare I make fun of my poor ol future husband" you responded dramatically as you finished up the braid.

He tilted his head back with smiled as you smiled back.

You felt a connection to him, it felt nice.

Techno look to you happily. "So..what's your um..status on the marriage thing? We've been 'together' two weeks and a half and now there's another two weeks until the wedding"

You looked to him suspiciously "Are you asking me to marry you?" You joked as you both chuckled. "In a way I guess so, but it's more of how do you feel about it" he responded as you nodded "I'm okay with it now, I'd probably marry you now then two weeks ago if that means anything"

Turning himself around Techno smiled resting his head on your stomach. He took a deep breath and continued to look at you causing your face to flush.

"Stop looking at me like that" you mumbled using his ears to cover his eyes. "Like what Dear?" "Like that, with..I dunno.." "Love?" "Yeah..that"

Techno smiled as he took your wrists and removed your hands from his ears and eyes.

"It's hard not to stare, you are quite adorable" he admitted as you tsked. Sitting up Techno grinned to you. You knew what was happening.

"TECHNO NO! BAD PIGGIE BAD!" You panicked as he once again nuzzle his snout into your neck causing you to laugh and wiggle around from the coarseness of the hair on his face.

What made it worse was you couldn't push his away because he was still holding your wrist.

He had all the control here.

"Techno please! Have mercy! I'll do anything!" You spoke in between giggles  as he stopped to look at you.

"Anything?" He smirked and you nodded.

"Hm...I dunno, depending on what you mean by that" he spoke as you released your hands from his grasp.

Setting both on each side of his face, you pull his face to yours and have him a kiss on the cheek.

"Does that let me off?" You questioned as he looked at you "I dunno missed my lips and everything"

"Don't be a pussy and kiss me then" you spoke catching him off guard.

"Wait no, I didn't mean like that I-" "So you don't wanna kiss me?" "What no! I mean yes I do! But I was joking I'm not gonna do that without the okay from you"

You look at him suprised as he seems to have so have so much care for you. You smiled with a pink face as you brought his now red face to yours.

You both rested eachother foreheads together with closed eyes.

He looked at you with half lidded eyes, "Can I kiss you? Please?" He mumbled as you nodded.

Carefully Techno brought his lips to yours and connected them into a kiss.

[Word count 1233]

Balls <3

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