Chapter 52

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The car ride home was a bit awkward.

You and Techno were sitting across and facing your children.

"So..we have separate room set up for you two, however if you'd prefer to share I'm sure we can have Wilbur and Tommy helps move things around" you smiled as Artemis looked to you.

"We've never had our own rooms before" she gasped as she looked tonher brother, "Will we still be near eachother..?" Hephaestus mumbled out as you and Techno nodded.

"Of course Sweetheart, your room are right next to eachother and down the hall from us, we would've given the room next to us but uh.." Techno chuckled as he finished your sentence "That's where our Polar Bear, Steve, resonates"

"You have a polar bear?" Hephaestus questioned as Techno nodded "Their idea" he spoke pointing to you as you looked to him with a look. "You act as if you didn't love him at first sight aswell" "Hm..Got me there Dear"

"What is your home like?" Artemis questioned as you and Techno thought about how to explain it, "Did they not tell you about where we live..better yet who were are?" You questioned carefully as both children shook their heads.

"Well congratulations you've made it to royalty" Techno chuckled as the car stopped infront of the castle gates.

Artemis's eyes widened with a gasp looking out the window as Hephaestus looked between to his new parents and his new home.


"I apologize for it being..bland but you have free creativity here, you can draw or paint on the wall, once we get to learn more about you and your interests we can decorate" you smiled as Hephaestus took a seat on his bed while taking in the scene of the room.

"Or you can keep it as is" you smiled as he gave a soft one.

" Princess, this is your room" Techno smiled as Artemis squealed in excitement and ran around before flopping on her bed.

"I love it!" She smiled as Techno huffed with a smile taking a seat next to her. Instantly she gave him a hug with a string of 'thank yous'


"And lastly the dinning area, where we will be eating and you'll meag the rest of your family" you smiled as you and Techno had finished the tour of the place.

Walking into the room, the air was soft and warm as the kids entered, "Would you two like to sit across or next to eachother?" You questioned "Next to, if that's okay" Hephaestus said as you nodded.

"Tommy, do you mind moving next to, rather than across, from Wilbur? " Techno questioned as him brothers entered and stopped in place seeing the newly niece and nephew.

"I don't mind, no" Tommy smiled as him and Wilbur took their seats, as did your children and Techno.

"Taking a seat dear?" Your husband questioned as you nodded "Just a moment, are you two allergic to anything?" You questioned as Hephaestus grew nervous as Artemis shook her head.

"Um..peanuts.." Hephaestus whispered as you smiled and walked tonthe kitchen to speak to the cooks.

"You gonna introduce us to our Niece and Nephew, Technoblade?" Wilbur questioned as his older brother perked "Oh! Yeah I uh..was gonna wait until Phil and Kristin arrived unless they feel comfortable introducing themselves"

It was quiet before Artemis spoke up "I'm Artemis and this is my brother Hephaestus, he's shy" she smiled as her brothers face grew red.

"Alright, updated the cooks so no more peanuts or any type will be present in Group foods, only individual and they have a system were it'll be made in a different part of the kitchen to prevent contamination" you smiled talking a seat.

"Sorry we're late we had to finish some" Phil stopped seeing his grandchildren.

"Oh! How exciting!" Kristin smiled as her a Phil took there's seats, next to Techno, across from the children.

"Uh..So everyone we'd like to introduce Hephaestus and Artemis, our children and a new addition tonthe royal family" Techno smiled.

[Word count 680]


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