Chapter 21

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"It feels..tight" Techno frowned as Phil sighed removing the jacket from Technos torso.

"Maybe he doesn't need a jacket Phil, I think the way this suit is displayed is perfect!" Schlatt smiled as Phil nodded.

"Well what do you think Technoblade?" Philza question turning to his son who was looking to himself in the mirror.

"I don't think [Y/N] will like it.." Techno frowned as he removed his top as Schlatt handed him another.

Putting it on Techno froze. Yeah.. this was the one.

"Yeah...Yeah this one..[Y/N] will love this color" he smiled as Phil and Schlatt laughed with him.

"So Techno what do you plan to do with [Y/N] after marriage?" Schlatt questioned as Techno was getting changed back into his regular clothing.

"Um..I still need to talk to them about it but my plan is to take things our own pace really, I don't wanna rush anything" he admitted as Schlatt nodded.

"What about grandkids?" Phil asked excitedly with a chuckle as Schlatt protested.

"I uh..we haven't...I don'" Techno stumbled over his words as Phil waited patiently aswell as Schlatt wit crossed arms.

Technos face grew red.

"We uh..haven't brought it up at all honestly, It'll uh..pop up at some point in the future" Techno flustered as he was fidgeting with him hands while looking away from the fathers in front of him.

"We've only kissed we haven't even thought of-" Techno was cut off by both Phil and Schlatt in union "You kissed?!"

They both looked to Techno in shock.

Technos ears flattened as he looked to to ground. "No No! It's a mot a bad thing Techno!" Phil reassured, "If anything we're happy you two are actually comfortable with eachother"

"I agree with Phil, but I should say don't let us get in the way of your relationship, just because your father asked about grandkids, don't feel obligated to immediately go for that after the wedding"  Schlatt spoke,

"We want this to be natural for the both of you, so do so, don't let us have an effect on your choices or anything with the relationship"

Techno smiled to Schlatt "Thanks, I guess that's one thing I've been worri3d about is meeting the standards" Techno shrugged


"Knock knock" Techno spoke opening the room door to see you sitting on the bed with a book.

You looked at the door in confusion.

"Did you just...knock on our room door?" You questioned as he nodded with a laugh as you rolled your eyes and stood up to greet him

You wrapped your arms around him in a hug as he returned it.

"I think I got your father's blessings" he smiled as you chuckled. "I think you had them a long time ago"

"No..for real this time" he responded looking you in the eye as his hand settles on your hips carefully.

[Word count 490]

Woop woop

This was the chapter that my brain was like

'Wtf do I put here' so I did this

Anyways the outfits won't be revealed until the actual wedding Chapter


Balls <3

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now