Chapter 48

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[Slight sensitive topics]

Days had passed, and you had been doctor. However the results were exactly what you expected.

"Dear I'm sure I'll be okay" Techno reassured as he held you close in his arms as you two sat on the reading chair.

He planted kisses to your forehead as you sighed. "But..what if I disappoint your father, what if he gets upset that I can't bear your child and order for this marriage to be stopped and over."

"I would never let him do that" Techno promised holding your cheek softly as you leaned into his touch.

"I just don't want your father to be upset with me" you mumbled as he chuckled "I don't think he'd get upset with you over something we can't control"

Techno smiled kissing your nose, "But remember the doctor did say that we could go through that treatment when we're ready, it'll be a long process but it'll be worth it in the end" Techno smiled as you chuckled.


"mmm.." was grumbled by Technoblade as you shook him to wake up. He had been napping a lot recently, this one taking up half the day. "Technoblade get up your father wants to have dinner with everyone" you spoke softly as slowly awoke.

"I don't wanna.." he complained as you laughed "Come on Techno, family dinner, my parents will be there too"

As you made your way to the closet, your husband sat up tiredly, you skimmed through the closet before handing one to Techno.

He looks to you upset, "Do I have to change out of my comfortable clothing" he whined as you laughed grabbing an outfit for yourself.

For around two months now, Techno had finally took after you in the choice of wearing comfy clothes around the castle.

He realized he didn't really need to be all dresses up only to hang around the castle where no one would see him. He told this amazing revelation to his brother and they all had started doing so.

"Techno it's a family dinner, yes we have to" you responded as you got changed, him getting changed aswell but real tiredly.

You noticed this and looked to him concerned, "Technoblade are you feeling alright?" You questioned as he perked up and nodded "yeah just..yknow.." he responded as you shook your head, "No I don't know, that's why I'm asking" you spoke fixing the buttons on his shirt.

He sighed, "It's a mix of hibernation and that season" mumbled Techno as he yawned. "Unsure why Piglins hibernate but..we do"

You looked to his softly "Would you like to cancel tonight?" "No! I can make it through a dinner" he scoffed..then yawned.

You laughed at this and shook your head.

"Alright then Big Boy, let's get on our way" you smiled as he tail swayed rhythmically as he looked to you lovingly.

[Word count 480]

I literally only made Techno really tired because I am and then I thought the hibernation idea would be funny.

Imagine reader getting into antics while Techno is just "HONKSHO HONKSHO MIMIMIMIM HOOOONK MIMIMI HONKSHO MIMIMI"

I think it'd be funny


Imma bout to go MIMIMIMIM fr

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