Chapter 16

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"I can't do this Wilbur!" Techno panicked pacing back and forth in the middle of the room. Wilbur sat at the table adjacent from him.

"I mean look at me Wilbur!" Techno stopped to face his brother, then flail his arms around his body. "I'm a giant, stupid, ugly piglin! No one wants to marry that! Especially someone you barely know and have to marry with no say!"

Wilbur laughed as he watched his brother pace back and forth in distraught. "Y'know...for someone who 'doesn't care for' or 'isn't worried' about this arrangement you seem pretty freaked out"

"That's because I have to care now, their my responsibility now, she's my fiance and I have to..yknow be a husband, I guess" Techno mumbled as he took a seat next to Wilbur.

"I think it's me realizing that [Y/N] isn't as bad as I thought, she's cool and interesting, I wanna get to know them more before I actually marry them" he admitted as Wilbur smiled "I can understand that and I'm sure [Y/N] feel the exact same way, you have a month so don't panic too hard"

"That's the problem, all I'm doing is panicking because I'm afraid I'll mess something up" "If it gets too much in the end just call off the wedding, simple" pointed out Wil as Techno looked as his younger brother as if he was insane.

"Wilbur are you insane?! I can't do that!" "What have you grown on them already?" "NO! Yes? I don't know honestly..yesterday seeing them cheer me on like that..made me happy, I felt appreciated, loved I guess.."

Techno smiled to himself then frowned, "It's not really my place to say but, they told me about personal issues and I just wanna be there to help, I guess I want a genuine friendship" he shrugged as Wilbur smiled.

"Then that what you do man, you take things slow, go your own pace even after your 'married' continue going with the flow, you shouldn't feel obligated to hit a 'goal' just because your in a different stage of life"

Technoblade looked to Wilbur before ruffling his brothers hair, standing up he smiled, "Yeah, I should probably talk to her about this huh? They should know my intentions with this marriage"

"Exactly, communication is a big part of relationship so you need to use it" Wilbur pointed out as Techno left the room after thanking his brother.

Walking back to his room, Techno had many thoughts to himself.

If you two actually ended up 'together' what would happen?
Are you even comfortable enough to kiss him?
What about kids? Did you want those?

Techno face heated at the thought, quick he shook them away as he opened his room door.

[Word count 463]

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