Chapter 12

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The party had ended as everyone had made their way home.

You yawned as Techno stretched, ready to back to his room.

"Not sure about you but I'm ready for bed" he mumbled as you followed Technoblade back to his room "For a party we didn't interact with all the much, it was surprisingly draining" you nodded.

Opening the room door both you and Techno stopped to see your stuff mixed in within Technos room.

Walking in the room your face flushed red as Techno carefully opened a drawer before quickly closing it.

His face burned red.

", not what I expected" you spoke as you walked to the drawers, "Which are for pajamas? You questioned as Techno cleared his throat.

"Second one on the left" he responded as you opened it. You pulled out a pair of shorts then looked to Techno.

"I uh, I don't typically wear a shirt to bed, so I'll need to borrow one" you admitted as he looked at you surprised.

"I'll see what I can find, you go ahead and get situated though" he smiled as you stood up and smiled back, walking into the bathroom.

Closing the door you sighed as you hot undressed. You took of every on the top that was shirt related.

Overcoat, button up, tie, bra.


You sighed in relief.

You stretched. Not just your arms and back but your wings aswell.

"Hey so I found-" Techno stopped as you quickly covered your chest with your wings. Your face burned red as you and Techno both stood frozen. His hand never leaving the doorknob.

He cleared his throat. "I uh.. Take it" he spoke quietly as he tossed the shirt in the bathroom before quickly closing the door.

Techno felt very embarrassed. Why didn't he think to knock? Better yet, where the fuck did those wings come from.

Why were you hiding them?

Well if this was case he needed to go to Tommy, he was a avian just like Phil, and his shirts would be too big, so Tommy was a last resort.

Making his was to his youngest brothers room he knocked on the door and waited as Tommy opened the door confused.

"You never knock? Why didn't you just walk in?" Tommy questioned as Techno cleared his throat "I've uh..had a change in character and-" "You walked in on them didn't you?" Tommy laughed as Techno swallowed looking away from his brother.

"Anyway, come in, what brings you by?" Tommy smiled as Techno looked at his brother, "Do you happen to have any shirts that don't fit or you don't want?" Techno questioned "My shirts are, big on them, while they seem to like baggy clothes they prefer more sized shirts at night and you are the closest to their shirt size"

Tommy perked up "Oh yeah! I have tons I planned to donate, how many?" "Just a weeks worth"

Tommy carefully looked through the shirts before picking out seven shirts he personally thought fit you the best.

Handing them to Techno he smiled "These should do, if they don't like them or want anything else tell her I've got tons"

Nodding in response, Techno thanked Tommy as he made his way back to his room.

Walking to the bathroom door he knocked waiting until you opened door.

When you did he saw you had his shirt on.

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now