Chapter 54 [End]

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"Get back here!" You laughed as you chased Artemis around the backyard of the castle. You both giggled and laughed as the tomfoolery.

Spreading out your wings, you used them to gain the advantage and capture your daughter.

"No Mama that's cheating" Artemis laughed as you tickled her belly. "You never said I couldn't them" you smiled as she smiled getting up.

Looking over to Techno and Hephaestus you smiled. Techno was with Wilbur, showing Hephaestus the sparring game they usually play.

It's has been about a year since you and Techno adopted the two children in your lives. You were happy with this.

"Pop-Pop!" Artemis squealed as she ran to the castle. You perked up and looked to see your father's.

"Hey there kiddo!" Schlatt chuckled picking up his granddaughter. He gave her a kiss to the head as Quackity gave her a kiss to the cheek.

Walking up you smiled as Quackity happily opened his arms for a hug, to which you accepted.

"So how have things been?" Schlatt questioned setting Artemis down, only for her to run to her brother about who was here.

"Things have been good" you smiled as you felt a hand on your shoulder causing you to jump and turn to see Technoblade with a smile.

"Oh there he is! There's my big guy!" Schlatt exclaimed holding his arms out for hug as Hephaestus walked up to him.

Hephaestus laughed as hugged Schlatt back with a wide smile. "Man your horns look great.." Schlatt spoke as Hephaestus flushed slightly.

"Ma showed me the proper care for 'em" he chuckled as Schlatt smiled.

Artemis now in Quackity's arms.

"So what brings you guys by?" Techno questioned as Schlatt eagerly looked to Quackity.

"We brought some guest with us, they are excited to see you" Quackity smiled as him and Schlatt stepped aside causing you to stop.

You squeal in happiness and ran toto the arms of the two men standing behind your parents.

"Holy shit! Uncle Ted! Uncle Charlie! It's been so long!" You gasped as they laughed, "Hey Squirt, it has, hasn't it?" Ted grinned as you perked and went to Techno.

Grabbing his arm you dragged him to stand in front of your uncles.

"This is my Husband, Technoblade!" You smiled as they inspected him witha hum. Technos ears going back and he grew nervous.

"Mind if we steal him for a moment?" Charlie questioned as you looked to your husband who looked to you with wide eyes, you could tell her was concerned.

You smirked "Go ahead, then you can meet your grand niece and nephew.

Both if your uncles stopped, Charlie looked to Techno, "We'll be back for you good sir" he spoke trying not to laugh or break character.

"Great Niblings you say?" Ted questioned as you nodded looking to see the two now playing in the yard.

Ted and Charlie stepped into the yard as you whistled causing both kids to perk up and make their way to you.

"Hephaestus, Artemis, this is your Uncle Charlie and Uncle Theodore" you smiled as Ted scoffed "It's Ted to you sqiurts" he joked looking to you.

"So your a ram like your Pop huh?" Ted questioned as Hephaestus nodded with a smile "He says he'll teach me new things about being a ram"

"And who this cutie?" Charlie questioned as Artemis giggled hiding behind your leg.


"So tell us Technoblade if that even your real name" Ted grinned as his and Charlie circled around Techno who was sitting in a chair placed perfectly in the living room.

Both Uncles try to keep their composer, aswell as Techno as he look to you who was giggling in your hands.

"Eyes on us pal!" Charlie spoke as Techno looked back to them. "So you here have married our nibling huh?" "Indeed I have" you husband responded  "They are indeed the prize to catch"

Ted hummed with his fingers strolling his chin as he got in Technos face.

There was a solid moment of silence before Ted snorted causing Techno to start laughing. This caused Ted and Charlie to break character.

"Fuck!" Ted laughed as he looked to you, "I like him, he's a good one" he pointed out as Techno gasped dramatically.

"I'm quite offended you would think otherwise!" Techno huffed as he cluched his chest. Getting up he walked to you with a smirk.

"Is this what you think of me?" He cried still playing his role as you laughed. Hephaestus and Artemis walked in along with Steve.

"Steve! Save me your father is being quite mean!" You frowned as Steve's little nub of a tail wagged as he trotted upto Techno and growled.

"What is this betrayal?!" Techno panicked as Steve stood up on his back feet and place his paws on Techno's chest with a happy face.

Dramatically Techno fell back as Steve gave his multiple kisses. "I've been slain and you sit there My Love, I feel hurt" he smiled as you laughed.

Taking a seat, Hephaestus looked to his father with a smile as Artemis helped Steve is "attacking" Techno.

Charlie and Ted chuckled as your taller uncle placed his hand on your shoulder. "I'm proud of you [Y/N]" Ted spoke, "You've done great"

You smiled as looked to him, them back to Techno who was now being attacked by Hephaestus aswell.

"I have, haven't I?" You smiled.

"We're just one big happy family."

[Word count 909]

And with that, we come to and end of our story.

Thank you all for the support on this book especially, this is probably the last book I will do involving DSMP/MCYT, I'm moving on from that fandom.

However I have that me moving on won't stop you from reading my books, I plan to expand into Chuckle Sandwich territory.

So with that being said.

Until then

Balls <3

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