Chapter 38

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"You never fail to impress me" you smiled as Techno let you to the picnic he had set up in the garden.

He made sure to make it right beside your favorite plant.

"In all honesty I just wanted to spend with you outside of the castle, it gets boring in there after a while, unless..." Techno glanced to the gate "We take a little walk around the land" he smirked looking back to you as your eyes widened.

You raised a brow to him, "Is that safe? I know I've don't it a few times in my home but never here" he smiled and shrugged "I have no idea but we could get two guards to accompany" he suggested.

You chuckled as smiled as you agreed "Shouldn't me run it by Phil first?" You questioned as Techno thought. "It's probably the responsible thing to do.."

"Or we could sneak out with the guards.." he mumbled as you thought to yourself. "Fuck it, let's have a bit a fun"

Techno smiled as you two got up and went to get changed into normal comfortable clothing.

As the two of you were heading out you both stopped upon seeing Wilbur who was also dresses casually.

"Um..Hi" he spoke "Hi.." you responded as he cleared his throat "Where uh..where are you off to?" Wilbur questioned as Techno raised a brow "Could ask you the same thing"

Wibur sighed in defeat as he looked to the ground "I was just gonna go out for a bit, but I see you two had the same idea"

"We did, but you can still go we don't mind" you reassured "I don't know if Phil will get on us though.."


Long story short, all three of you went out. This is where you noticed that alot of this kingdom was mobs. You smiled as you held Techno hand.

First stop...well you hadn't planned this out exactly. So you decided to explore around. You were amazed by everything. It's seemed so different from your home place.

Techno felt great. He could got around without needed to act all prim and proper. He always felt like he needed to set an example on the thrown but now he felt like he could be him.

You two continued walking until you spotted a candy shot. You turned to Techno who nodded in agreement.

What you didn't know is he had brought his wallet with him.

What he didn't know is you brought your wallet aswell.

"Whatever you want Dear, I'll buy" Techno chuckled as you looked at him with suprise, "Oh no no! It's okay, I can pay for my stuff" you reassured as Techno shrugged with a nod as he let you do what was preferred.

"Plus I have a suprise back at home for you" you smiled walking into the shop and looked around causing Techno to he stunned.

A suprise? For him?

His tail swayed rhythmically as he watched you take your time and pick out the candy you wanted. After you paid for it Techno offered to carry the bag to which you politely declined.

He hummed to himself as he spotted a toy shop to which had a giant stuffed polar bear inside the display door. He had a thought, "How many stuffed animals do you have Dear?" He questioned ask he led you to the store.

"Hm..about five I believe all at Mantopia though.." you mumbled in though as he smiled "Perfect, that means you need one for here and with that I'm getting you one..or two" he smiled as you two entered the door.

You watched as Techno went to the counter and pointed to the big polar bear plush then to a smaller one. Both at the display window.

The worker nodded and grabbed them, as you walked next to your husband. The price of the two were over a hundred dollars causing your eyes to widened, however before you could protest, Techno paid the amount and carried the paper bag that contained the too stuffed toys.

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now