Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes and saw the clear, blue sky. The sound of sea waves crashing at the shore up front, and the ruffling of coconut leaves behind me was soothing my mind. It was winter season, yet the sun was blazing like the hottest day in May. People crowd at this beach in summer vacations, but now being off season time, there was no one to be found on the beach. But I was not feeling hot despite the prickly heat. The shadow of a big umbrella was covering me and my best friend, Ben.

Ben Lobo, short for Benedict Lobo, was like any other average boy out there, neither tall & lean nor any sharp features as you would find for a protagonist of a book. About 5.6 feet in height, sleek black hair; oval face with extremely ordinary eyes; thin lips & pointy chin. Fit (but not toned) body, Ben is a wheat skinned guy. Since our childhood, this person has been loved for his crooked nose, I mean, how can they pinch his already crooked nose and make it more crooked? I truly think all these people are responsible to make him uglier than he already was). I turned my head to the right and found him snoring.

Ugh! Such a sore thumb!

With a big smile on my face and a brilliant prank in my head, I got up, brought my smelly shoe, placed it on his face, and started tickling his feet.


Now here I was beaming at my seemingly perfect prank, but this dude was like a dead dog. I was messing with his weak spot, then why isn't he reacting? I tried tickling him some more, hoping that he would wake up inhaling the entire stink from my shoe, but my fate! Hardly on my side! He was not a bit troubled by the smell. I went up close to check on him, and suddenly my surrounding went black. I opened my eyes to find my shoe pressed against my nose so hard that some more effort and the shoe would become my new nose. I struggled to push it off my face, but just as I was trying my best to push it away, somebody was trying more to push it in my face!

What an asshole! He was pretending to be asleep!

"Ben, Fuck! Get this off my face. Ugh... You!"

"Aha! Serves you right! Who do you think were you trying to play with, huh? Mr. Benedict is not so easy to fool around with."

He tried hard to keep me from moving, but didn't last long being weaker than me. I pushed the shoe to the side, promising myself to wash them at least once a week, and at the same time cursing the devil in front of me.

"Zach deserving smack! Enough of this shit now. Get up, or we will be dead meat!"

"Don't worry. We'll reach the home in time. Now help me to get up. I am about to throw up because of the smell."

Ben held his hand ahead and pulled me up, watching me intently. I looked at him, made an odd face and asked, "Now now, haven't you been lonely for too long! Have you fallen for me now? I want to say this clearly, I won't date you!"


Something hit me hard on the back of my head, and I found Ben glaring at me," Damn! Who wants to date you? I admit I have a few loose nuts, but I am yet to lose my sanity."

I chuckled at his statement. "Okay, okay. Let's head back before the sun goes down. I have a phone date tonight!"

Ben walked alongside me, silent after listening. I glanced at him. He was looking ahead as if he was already a foot away, not hearing anything I said a moment ago. I patted him, "Oh come on! Cheer up! I won't ignore you just because I have a certain someone in my life." I pulled his face to face me "Just remember one thing, you are irreplaceable. "He nodded his head, apparently satisfied with my reply. But I know him like the back of my hand: it bothers him.

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