Chapter 19

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I had a good sleep after spending days in unrest. I am not sure, but I think I dreamt of fishing. The sky was grey and cloudy. Sun kept peeking through the running clouds. Overall, the atmosphere was windy and gloomy. I was on a boat along with 2 other fishermen in deep sea. One seemed to be the Leader and the other one was a worker. They had spread the nets in the water and were waiting for the fish. The water was surprisingly calm in this part of the sea. The Leader asked me, "I didn't mean it when I said that to you. We do catch 1 or 2 and that too rarely. You see, they don't float. It's hard to get caught in the net."

"I want to try my luck. I had an off today, so I joined you. if I keep trying, I might find one, don't you think so?"

The Leader smiled. "You are stubborn. I allowed you today to ride but I won't henceforth. If I catch one, you will be the one I give it to. Even my men know about this, they will keep an eye."

"Thanks, bhaiyya."{1}

I woke up perplexed.

What kind of dream was it?

I wondered why I had such a dream. But this was not important. What happened yesterday was no less than a dream. Pushing all the thoughts aside, there was only one agenda on my hand, calling Zach. I was embarrassed, but wanted to do it nevertheless.

I never thought I would be doing this.

I called him, he answered almost immediately.

"Hi, Good morning!" His cheerful voice seemed more special today.

"Were you waiting for my call?"

"Kind of. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. After a long time."

"I know, you must be missing me. Don't worry boy, I'll be back in no time!"

I laughed. "As if."

"You don't believe me? Just wait & watch."

And saying so, he disconnected the call. I got up, happy & content. I was excited for the coming days, eager to meet him yet scared to embark on this journey.

Shit! I am going to be late!

Well, Zach was on holiday but I had to go to the college! I got up & got ready for the day. I rushed downstairs, stuffed some bread slices in a tiffin & rode my bicycle to the college. This was the first time I was late for the college- but it didn't mean a lot now. I was happy; for no reason, smiling at anything I came across. I felt delighted & satisfied. Nitin was pleased to see me like this.

"You are back! I was wondering where my cute little Ben was lost!"

"I was lost; lost in the sea of questions. Now, I am back on the boat of answers, swayed by winds of uncertainties, but still holding strong."

Nitin scratched his head, "Okay, but what does it mean? You sure you have not lost it again?"

I wacked him, "Ruined my mood! You are looking at an aspiring poet, you should be encouraging me."

Nitin glared at me while rubbing his head. "Fuck you! When is Zach coming? Only he can handle you and your broken brain!"

And amidst all this, we didn't realize the professor had entered the class. We stopped the shit & concentrated in the boring class. I was busy in forcing myself to focus on the class the entire time. I wanted to message Zach, but then it would seem like desperation. Finally, it was lunch time, we gathered in the canteen.

"Hello guys! How are you all?"

Isha was the happiest. She is the representative of our feelings- expressing all that feel for the moment.

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