Chapter 23

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Now Jamey wants to ride with Zach. How can my own brother ditch me?

I was pouting about the fact that my two favourite people were pushing me aside. I rode my bike till the house, thinking how those two would be having fun on their way back. I didn't realize that I had lost them. I parked my bike and tried calling Zach. Obviously, he didn't pick up. I waited for them outside my gate. Soon, I could view Zach's bike in the distance.

"Where the hell were you two?"

"Shh! He is sleeping!" Zach quietened me. I peeked behind him and saw Jamey sleeping. Poor soul!

I picked him up the bike and brought him to his room. I kept his table light on, and we left the room.

Grammy was at home today. I saw her in the kitchen, cooking dinner.

She asked where Jamey was. She passed few comments after knowing that he was sleeping. Zach retorted to her, but I held his hand and gestured him to stop. I was used to her, Zach wasn't. We had our dinner quietly.

How do I ask her about tonight? She won't deny, right? Just when I was about to ask her, Zach took the lead.

"Grammy, my parents aren't at home. Mind if Ben sleeps at my house?" Zach's sweet tone almost creeped me.

"Sure. As If you won't force him if I say no. Why bother asking?"

Hush! I am free!

"Thanks Grammy. I'll be back early morning."

We left for his house. Zach was sulking over the things that happened.

"How come she is never sweet to me? I mean, why do we always bicker?", he complained.

I responded, "Because you are curt. Have you ever spoken to her nicely? You always have sarcasm for her. It's obvious she finds you annoying."

"Correct. As if she never uses sarcasm for you two. Didn't you hear what she said for Jamey? 'One less mouth to feed?' I am nothing but speechless."

I didn't say anything. We were about to reach his house and I didn't want to ruin the upcoming moments. Also, he wasn't wrong, was he?

He opened the gate. I was excited to spend the night with him. I always looked forward to sleep at his place. The comfort I got was equivalent to one nap under my college tree. His house gave me something I always long for in mine- the feeling of having a family.

"Sit, I'll bring something to drink."

I settled in his sofa as he went in the kitchen. Here I was building lovely bridges in my dream and lo! This idiot was back with liquor in one hand and glasses in the other.

"Are you mad! You are going have that? Now?!"

"So? I wanted to taste it, but I can't when my parents are here. Now is my chance. You just happen to be here. Are you in?"

I was dumbfounded. What is he thinking? Is he sick? Or is he nervous about tonight? Or is he planning something else? Still, I nodded.

"Cheers!" We clanked the glasses and had a sip.

"We should add some water. Else it will be heavy for us first timers." I suggested.

"Let's have some sips, then we can have it with water. Please?" He begged me.

He is nervous for sure. Else why would he want to pass out on such a wonderful day? At least I should stay sober tonight.

"You can have it neat. Pass me some water."

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