Chapter 2

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It was past 6 o' clock when we reached home. Grammy was sitting in the veranda of the house, sorting vegetables she had just bought. She gave me her usual glare, but kept quiet because of Zach. Jamey ran out as soon as I was about to sneak in to give him a scare.

"BenBro! You are back! Oh! And Zach is here as well!"

I heard chuckle at the greeting, and glared at the source. Zach held his laughter.

"Hi, Jamey. How ya' doing?"

"Bored. Would like to play a game with me?"

"Jamey, first see this. Your one and only brother has brought you a gift!"

I gave the toys to Jamey. The 10-year-old boy saw the toys and paused for a moment. Zach and I exchanged a worried look, thinking that maybe Jamey really didn't like the gift. But a moment later, he hugged his 17-year-old brother tightly and exclaimed, "BenBro! You are the best!"

I picked up my brother and hugged him back. "Of-course I am the best. Jamey, please tell this to brother Zach. He called your BenBro an idiot."

Zach was dumbfounded. Jamey glared at him as if he had stolen his new toy.

"Soo wrong, brother Zach. You are such a bad friend. How can you call your best friend an idiot? Hmph! It seems that all idiots really do call everyone else idiot."

Zach stood like a pole, processing the harsh inputs he was receiving.

I smiled slightly, but I was already rolling on the floor from laughter in my heart. I pretended to scold Jamey, "Jamey, who taught you to speak in such a way with elders? Asking for a beating, aren't you?"

Jamey looked at me and whined, "But it was you who asked me to scold him."

Zach said, "Alright, then! So this is how you are treating me. Fine! I won't play with you now, Jamey."

And Zach folded his hands on his chest and turned his back to us. Jamey started whimpering, "Both of you are just same. Fine! I won't talk to both of you!"

Jamey jumped down from my hands and ran away into his room. I smacked Zach's head, "Just messing with me won't satisfy you; you are even messing with my brother now?"

"Shut up. You started it. Such a cry-baby! Whining to a 10-year-old."

Just then, Grammy came in, holding the basket of sorted vegetables. She gave Zach a glare and said, "Oh God! Have some mercy! Just two are enough a burden. Why are you trying to give me a third one?"

Zach, "Oh, Grammy! You know you are such a sweetheart! God loves you so much that he is trying to gift you with 3 sons!"

Grammy smirked and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for everyone. Just as we were about to sigh in relief, a voice came from the kitchen, "Zach, It's late. You should head back home. Your mother must be worried about you."

"Don't worry Grammy, I told my mom that I would be staying at Ben's place tonight."

I poked him in stomach with my elbow, whispering, "Shut up. Why are you messing with her? Just let her be."

"You shut up. She is your grandmother not mine. I am not obliged to be kind to her; especially when she treats you like shit."

I was about say something, but thought better of it and instead, sighed, "I can never argue with you. You win."

Zach smiled and put his arm around my neck, "You don't have to argue with me. Just listen to my orders and you will never have to argue."

"Aye Aye, Captain! Let's move our ship towards the port upstairs!"

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