Chapter 25

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Zach's parents gave us a surprise. When Zach told them about the anniversary, they decided to join us. They also bought some gifts for the couple. Soon, the trio returned, for whom we planned all this.

"Surprise!" we all shouted as they entered.

The couple was taken aback with the preparation, but mostly due to Zach's parents. They really loved that we all gathered for their anniversary.

"Okay now, bring the cake." Isha told us.

Zach accompanied me to bring it.

"Why the trouble for a cake? Do you want to kill us with so much cake?"

Isha, "No, uncle. You must have this. It is a special cake, hand made by Mr. Zach."

Zach retorted, "I didn't prepare it myself. Ben helped me too."

Preeti Aunty said with glee, "Really! You two boys managed to bake one while keeping the kitchen safe?"

We both laughed, "Well, we had our share of accidents, but we managed to cross the mission."

Everybody laughed. We placed the cake for cutting in front of the couple. Soon, everybody was given a slice and we enjoyed it together. Thankfully, it was tasty.

We four gave our gifts- Uncle was excited about the stand while Aunt loved the pouch.

"I thank you kids for all this. You made our day. And the frame, it will be sitting on my side-table. John & Moni, thank you for joining us."

"Pleasure is ours, Ashok. This is for you." Zach's Dad gave their gift. It was a dark, wooden flower vase, handcrafted and painted with bright colours. Preeti Aunty loves flowers, so she always has different kinds of flowers kept in their hall- Roses, Sunflowers & Gerberas, even marigolds.

We all were having fun, except Nitin. I observed he was not into the celebration, just like when we have uninvited guests. I was looking for a chance to speak with him, and I got one when he left the room with the excuse of getting some fresh air. I followed him to their backyard. He sat down on one of the sag bags.

"Nitin, free for a word?"

He looked at me, wary of my intentions, "Can't you leave me alone for just 5 minutes? You have already taken my entire day. Please spare my soul, I beg you."

"Fine, I'll leave you alone. I just wanted to apologize for what has happened. Just an apology, not asking for forgiveness."

He got up, red with anger. He pushed me into the house, shouting, "Go away! Please! I don't want talk to you or your favourite Zach!"

I was shocked by his behaviour, too scared to move an inch.

"What's happening here Nitin?"

It was Ashok Uncle.

I covered up, "Nothing. He is just pissed about the family photo. Not one of his best photos, right?"

"Oh, come on! Stop pretending, will you? Papa, we are having a fight. And it is none of your business."

I lost my shit, grabbed his collar and whispered, "Mind your tongue, Nitin. He came with good intentions. Don't be disrespectful."

He pushed my hand, "You have no right to meddle in my family. He is my Dad, not yours. I will decide how I talk to my Dad. You are free to be respectful or disrespectful to yours."

"Nitin!" Slap!

Uncle slapped him, dragged him to the backyard, out of everyone's earshot. I couldn't understand anything. Everything happened in a flash. What Nitin said was ringing in my head.

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