Chapter 3

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I left Ben's house at around 7 am. I had a class at 9. I messaged him accordingly. Mum was already up and Dad was having his breakfast while reading newspaper.

"Good morning, folks!"

"Oh! Thank God you came. Will you buy some salt from the grocery store? We are running out of it."

"Sure. Just let me wash up first." Saying so, I went to my room upstairs.

I took a bath, wore my clothes and headed downstairs.

I took the money and left to buy the salt and some other things that Mum told me to buy. Just as I opened my gate, I saw Ben, speeding away on his bike. I cursed under my breath. This prick is going to get himself killed one fine day!

I entered the shop muttering. Wait till I get to the college.

"Yes, how could I help you sir?"

I checked the list and started, "I want one packet of salt, half kilo dal, a box of Amul cheese cubes, ten Cinthol soaps, and a one kg pack of detergent."

I waited till the shopkeeper brought the things. I looked around the shop and my eyes fell on a packet of biscuits.

Little Hearts!

Kids nowadays hardly like it but it holds a special place in my childhood memories. And most importantly, it is Ben's favourite.

I ignored the voice in my head that kept on insisting me to buy one for him, but I had to teach that prick a lesson today, so no rewards! The shopkeeper came back with the stuff I asked for and I paid him the due amount. I left the shop in triumph that I didn't let the voice in my head win.

However, it kept nagging my mind. At last, I went in the shop again.

"Can I have 3 packets of that?"

I cursed myself for doing this. You are stupid, Zach.

I tried to justify with myself, Even Jamey loves this. I'll just say that I bought it for Jamey and got one for him too.

But then I realized something, Shit, I really am stupid.

I reached home, gave Mum the groceries and went to my room to get my bag. Mum packed me some food and I left for college.

Today's 1st lecture is the worst. History!

The mere idea of history makes my hair stand to the end. Why the hell do we have to study history?

Besides the duty that we should know about our ancestors and their struggles for the country, what purpose does history serve? And such a miserable subject is taught to us by even more miserable teacher: Patil Ma'am! I reached college cursing my fate.

As it is I hate history, her teaching makes me hate it even more! History is a theory subject which requires us to remember lots of information. And instead of teaching us tricks to remember them, all she does is read it out loud and ask, "That's it for today. Let us continue tomorrow." Hello! At least ask whether we have understood what you have 'read' out! I think she forgets that we have cleared kindergarten. We know how to read!

I said to myself as I sat at my place, "Let's just suffer for 45 minutes."

"Hi! You are early today. Excited for your beloved lecture?"

"Shut up, Isha. Don't you start a fight now! Where is Krish?"

"She is not coming today. She's got fever."

"Really? Is it bad? Does she need to visit a doctor?"

"No, just headache and a mild fever. I don't need to tell you the reason, right?"

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