Chapter 31

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Shweta brought me to lots of places, but I didn't like anything. More like I was not sure what to buy. But then, I thought of playing safe; buy clothes. A piece of advice for everybody- if you are not sure what to buy as a present, always go for clothes. At the worst, you can gift them a hanky. The safest option is chocolates, but clearly I can't buy those as the only present for my boyfriend- so clothes it was. I bought him nice pair of T-Shirt and a jeans and a handbag which I thought he would like.

I left the gifts at my uncle's place, and returned to Shweta's house. After a hearty lunch and fulfilling time with my relatives we returned back to our hotels and rested. We had a lot to do the following day. The next day, the Confusion gang ensembled to execute Ben's birthday plan. But then we noticed that few items were missing- which were under Nitin's responsibility! Nitin had to rush to the nearby shops to bring them, while we waited for him in vain. Thankfully, we could arrange everything before Ben got down and were successful in giving him a blast.

I could guess that he was expecting something from me, but I was waiting for everybody to finish. I wanted to give him the gift privately. I thought I could catch him alone at the huge amusement park, but lo! Not a second I managed to even wish him properly. After enjoying all the rides we could, we settled down for some rest at a garden. I found a clean spot and settled down, checking on the gift I was carrying in my pocket.

I hope it is not tampered. I have been extremely careful handling it even on the rides.

Just then, "Zach." I was startled.

"Oh, you scared me." and I immediately put it back in my pocket.

"I think you should give it to me, now that I have finally seen it.", he said as he sat beside me.

"Of-course you will get it. But I am waiting for the right moment."

But what's the point in delaying? I might as well give it to him.

"Never-mind, I can't wait anymore."

I gave him the box, his bracelet. It was not particularly special, but I had bought it with my savings. And yes, it was pure silver. I had also asked the jeweller to get something engraved on it- on the insides of its latch.

There was a simple card wishing him happy birthday. He read it slowly, and quietly uttered, "Thanks Zach. I can only thank you."

"Happy birthday, Ben.", I said. And he hugged him tightly. I got tears in my eyes for no reason. When he released me, I quickly wiped them. He smiled.

"Why are you crying? I should be the one to cry." He took out the bracelet and wore it on his wrist, showing it off to me.

"Dare you lose it. It is real."

"Like it is." He laughed.

"O! It is pure silver."


"Yup." I pulled his cheeks.

And then, THE Great Gentleman Ben, won't accept it because it is expensive. I was like- 'Shut up and take it!' I am not giving this because I am rich, I am giving this because I want to!

Finally, he agreed. He held my hand, looking at the bracelet that really suits him.

Just then, his phone buzzed.

"Let me get this."

He took out his phone and received the call.

"Hello, Grammy? I was about to call....... Jenny Gram, it's you."

He spoke with her, asking her in worry. I wondered what had happened.

"Jenny Gram, stop crying. What happened? Is Grammy alright? Hello? Please let me talk to her."

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