Chapter 46

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Next morning at around 5, this guy wakes me up for God knows what reason! After I got ready grumpily, he dragged me to the bike and took me to an unknown place. It was a recent construction; but I was relieved, inhaling freshness and life. Then he took me at an open spot in the garden- from where we could see the sunrise. The scene was mesmerising.

I told him, "It's great. Happy you dragged me here against my will. What a way to start my day!!"

"We always watched sunsets together, but never watched a sunrise, did we?"

I agreed, "You found a great place."

"Actually, Venu brought me here. She is quite similar to you. I am relieved to meet someone comfortable at my workplace."

I took a moment to reply, "So, that's how it is. You enjoyed your time with Venu. Great."

He questioned me, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Just that you enjoyed your time here- with Venu." And I walked away; I wanted to tease him.

"Zach! Wait! Asshole! Are you doubting me?"

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Carry me now!", he jumped on my back.

I quietly carried him.

"But seriously? You doubted me?"

"I was kidding. It's been a while I played with you."

Suddenly feeling breathless, I asked him, "Would you get down now, I am feeling breathless."

"No, I won't."

Suddenly, someone called us.

It was Venu, Ben's colleague we met yesterday. He cheerfully waved at her, "Hey, Venu! How come we run into each other often these days? You sure you are not stalking me?"

"No! That's not the case! I just want to watch the sunrise. It's been raining for days, so it was hard to watch it. I saw that the sky was clear today, so here I am.", she laughed.

I greeted her, "Hello. We couldn't talk that day. But you know what, I am not surprised to see you here. I heard you introduced Ben to this place?", smiling at him. I was sure he wanted to hit me. After some more teasing, I suggested to go for a breakfast. And Venu was sweet enough to bring us to a decent place.

"So, Venu. You like this place?"

"Yes. Among all that I went to within this area, this is the best."

"Any suggestions from the menu?"

Venu suggested few options; we quickly decided the items and gave the order. We then engaged in some normal conversation, but it did expose alarming facts.

Me, "How are you feeling about Goa? Settling well?"

Venu, "Yes. Initially, I was quite reluctant, but the university is good, pay is nice and I have nice colleagues. Like Ben. And coincidently, we have met before."

I was surprised, "Really?", I looked at him.

He replied, "I'll let you know afterwards. Just know that it happened when we went to Mumbai."

It must have been a brief meeting. Or was it anything else? Wait! What am I thinking?!

"If you don't mind, can I ask you about you two? Like normal questions. How you met, how you got together, how long have you been together. I have heard from Ben; like summary of your friendship, but never about his dating life."

I chuckled, "My Ben is kind of shy. I'll tell you."

I bragged about our relation, clearly to mine as well as Ben's surprise. We never had a chance to reveal our relation; and I think I got desperate to do it. When the order arrived, I helped my guy, and he struggled to hide his embarrassment. He took me aside, with the excuse of paying the bill, "What was all those lovey-dovey tricks you were using? Are you jealous?"

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