Chapter 16

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As things started registering, fountains of profound happiness were bursting in my heart. It all felt like a dream, yet I knew it was all real. I wanted to hug everything I saw. I was on cloud nine! My first love, my only love was about be complete! I wanted to tell all this to someone, but who?

A name popped up in my head and the happiness bubble I was riding burst- Yash. Guilt wrapped me like a Venus fly-trap would to its prey. He was the victim of the mess I created. What did he do to deserve this? How can I feel elated when I am committed to another person who is so good to me? I wanted to grab this opportunity but didn't want to hurt Yash. After all, it was me who had approached him, and he has never treated me badly since we have met. How do I explain all this to him?

Another realization hit me. I was happy knowing Ben's feelings towards me, but he never wanted to tell me about them. Isn't that the reason why he snuck in my backyard and hid this along with my oyster?

The ball was in my court now. I had 2 options-

          1) Break up with Yash and get together with Ben, putting it as my confession.

          2) Respect Ben's decision and continue with Yash, ignoring what I now know.

I didn't have to think about the option I was looking up to even for a minute. I definitely want Ben, even if it costs me a lifetime's worth of guilt towards Yash. I am ready to handle that. I won't get this opportunity again- not in this lifetime. That prick will never spill the truth and my cowardice and hesitance at this moment will cost me only regret. I was at a crossroad where either I would end up doing what most of the movies show- giving up- or go on an adventure I always wanted to go.

The only thing to do now was to clear things with Yash. I started feeling guilty that I could switch from Yash to Ben so easily- as if I was just waiting for this, as if Yash was just a milestone in my journey towards Ben. But it is what it is. I folded the paper, placed it back in the box and went to the backyard. Of course, I have to hide it back. I know Ben extremely well; he will definitely have suspicions. One thing's damn clear-

he should never find out that I know his secret.

Next thing is, if I want him, I will have to push things ahead. Fully determined, I picked up the phone and texted Yash to meet me the next day urgently. Then, I got another message- "Are you on a trip? You didn't tell me. I called just now; wanted to apologize- to you & Yash. Please call me once you see this message. PLEASE."

Wasn't I fucking right? Why is he so pessimistic?

I made my plan- called my parents to tell them I was going to stay at her place for a week. Why? Because I missed her! And also, it would be convenient to meet Yash while staying right in the city. What will I do if he follows me here and Ben finds out that we are breaking up? He will get his ass between us and do his best to get us back together. I'm not letting that happen!

Next morning, I texted Ben that I'll call him once I'm home. Last night, I picked the already packed bag and dashed to Aunt joe's place. She was very happy to see me. Today, she prepared a sumptuous breakfast for me. We had casual and sweet family talks. She also asked me what I would like for lunch and dinner.

Aunt Joe is a widow without child. She worked at the biggest church in the city. Within just one year of her marriage, her husband passed away in an accident, leaving my children-loving Aunt alone. She was depressed after the incident. Mum and Dad insisted her for another marriage, but she declined with a smile. She was planning on adopting a child, but then dropped the idea suddenly. When asked for the reason, she said she wouldn't be able to handle the responsibility of a single mother. This might be the reason why she dotes on me. If not with Ben, I would spend my holidays with her- visiting church with her, helping her in cooking and other household chores, watching movies with her.

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