Chapter 10

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Something's wrong with Ben.

The day after our deep conversation, I just couldn't get my head around the things happening.

First, he kisses me as a joke, then he again kisses me brazenly, acts like a child on meeting Yash, then I see him loitering near my house. Then he just disappears for days and again seems normal. And then, he suddenly feels apologetic towards me! Is he pregnant? Why is he so moody?

I threw a pillow in frustration. It always got to me when I couldn't understand Ben's actions. I must always know why he did what he did. Even if I can't have him as my man, I want to be the person who understands him the most. And now, I am not sure whether the Ben I see is the Ben I know.

Dejected, I got up and headed downstairs. Mum was at the dining table cutting fruits for Dad.

"Mum, I want some too."

"Go sit beside Dad. I'll bring them over after cutting them."

I sat beside Dad. He was reading newspaper. "Hi, Dad."

"Hi Son." He placed the paper aside. "How are you this morning?"

"How do I seem to you?"

"Um..." he looked at me carefully, "Normal?"


"Ok, Ok. Sorry. So, how long are your holidays?"

"Just 6 days more." I whined. I just hate the idea of going back to college. The only thing that keeps me going is probably the company of my friends. Mum brought a plate full of fruits, neatly cut and placed. Just like this, we had a sweet family time. Around 11, when I was just lazing around in my bed, my phone buzzed. I checked the message; it was from Yash. He wanted to meet now that we had holidays, but I kept on pushing the date.

I should meet him.

I called him. "Hello."

"Finally! You got time for me? Should I have made an appointment first?"

"Ok, go on then. I'll call once you do the same."

"Wait! Don't hang up."

"Then drop the nonsense. So, when do you want to meet?"

"I'm always ready to meet you."

"Um...then how about tomorrow evening?"


"Then see you tomorrow."

"Bye bye, love."

"Fuck off!" Saying so, I hung up.


Then again, my phone buzzed. It was Ben. I mean, are these two soulmates? I checked his message: "Let's go to the beach."


I changed into good clothes and told Mum that I will be at the beach with Ben. I called him to tell that I left my house. He joined me within a minute.

"Ah.....I am feeling so lazy!"

"Why didn't you bring Jamey along?"

He winked at me, "Well, I didn't want a third wheel!"

I didn't reply; instead gave him a smile.

Definitely something's wrong. It's not like him to say such words so easily. I must get to the bottom of this.

We reached the beach we frequently go to. Ben entered the water, playing with the waves that get mild till they reach the coast; while I stood at a distance. He splashed some water at me; which I cleverly avoided. He tried pulling me in the water, but I ran away.

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