Chapter 53

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After much prying and poking around, I found the reason for silent rumours going around in our group- a fight between Ben and Venu. It seems that everyone knows that they fought, but none knows the reason. Well, except me and Krish. I was worried about the situation; because I truly felt guilty towards Venu. And whatever happened between me and Ben, was not reversible. I wished to speak with Venu once, but then thought against it. And there was no way I was confronting Ben.

Unless you approach me, I will not be showing my face to you.

He left the strings in my hand and fled away. And I was determined not to pull any string at all. Still, I wanted to do something, and so it was better to push someone else to execute things, and I had secure reinforcements- Krish. We elaborately came up with a plan, after many meetings, heavy discussions.

We planned to have a one-night stay at Ben's old house, with all of Krish, Isha and Nitin to manage the situation. Next step- calling Ben and Venu at the desired destination. It was a piece of cake to call Ben, but so was hard to call Venu. Somehow, we received an intel- Venu was taking private tuition of a student. Krish met with the child, convinced her to help us. And she was happy to help us, because she adored Ben. We got to know that this girl and her friends frequently went out with Ben. And Ben would bring to his old house for study sessions. Next step, informing our gang about the set-up. Isha kept probing- why is Zach not involved in all this?

Well, who was to tell her that Zach is the puppeteer pulling the strings of these puppets! On the decided day, Isha had pulled Ben out and gathered everyone at his place. I knew Ben won't be able to deny her. I had told Krish to call Nikita right then, who was going to bring Venu. I believed this would be a success. But who knew, that the game I was playing was never mine!

Krish had called to update me on the situation.

"Hello? Krish? Everything's going well?"

"Yes. There's just one thing missing. I had bought a gift for Venu, just in case. I forgot it at the academy. Can you pick it and keep with you? I'll come to your place."

"Just ask your brother to drop it na."

"He is out on a trip."

"Hmmm, okay."

I booked a cab and reached her academy. But when I looked in her office, I found nothing close to a gift.

"Right on time, Krish. You sure you have kept it here? And not left it at your house?"

Krish said, "No, I am sure it's here." And she came near me to look around the place.

"I checked everywhere. It's not here."

"Oh? Is it so? Well, I think you forgot one place."

And then, everything blacked out in a second.

"Zach? Zach. Get up. We are here."

I woke up at the calling. My head hurt badly, heavy with the blow it received. Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a car. Startled, I looked outside to confirm my doubt.

"Krish, why did you bring me here?"

To my dismay, I was brought to Ben's house.

"Well, you can't skip these things. You should witness it first-hand. Aren't you the noble one?", Krish said nonchalantly.

Alarmed and angry at her, "I am not going inside, Krish. Even if I have to spend my night in this car. I have promised Ben and Venu that I won't meet them again."

"Stop being adamant, Zach. Even we are selfish. And we wanted you here. How long are you going keep us amidst this awkwardness? Because you both won't meet, even we have stopped meeting each other. And now we are fed up to look out for you two. At least for one night, can't you listen to our wish?"

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