Chapter 27

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After a fulfilling day, and spending the evening with Zach, I felt very quiet and calm. Everything seemed to be settling in its place now. I loved this feeling. I am the type to enjoy monotony, not uncertainty. After watching the orange sun getting red with happiness and then going home, even I thought of doing the same. I nudged Zach to wake him up.

"Get up, lazy bean. I brought you here to enjoy the sunset, not to ditch me and sleep."

"Sorry love. The wind got me. But I did watch for a while, I swear."

"Come on, let's go." While I was getting up, a thought struck me.

Love?! Did he call me 'love'?

The thought made me blush.

Was it intentional? Do I respond to it?

But then I decided against it.

"Wait for me near the bike. I have to pee." Zach rushed to the common toilet while I waited for him. I was still blushing about what he said. Within minutes, he was back. We rode back home. I dropped him at his gate. I was reluctant to part from him.

"Would you like to come up?"

"I do want to, but I am too lazy. Why don't you come with me to my house?" I urged him.

Just then, Aunt Moni came out.

"Ben! How are you son?"

"I am fine Aunty. How was your trip?"

"Oh, it was great. Why don't you come in and we can share some updates over few snacks?"

I couldn't deny her offer. I accompanied them. We settled in their hall, Aunt brought some tea and biscuits.

"I heard that you kept Zach company when we were away. Thank you son."

"No need to mention Aunty." I had a sip of the refreshing tea.

"How are Jamey and Grandma? I haven't seen them in a while."

"Both are fine and healthy." I replied with a smile.

Zach was also sipping his tea, quietly listening to our conversation.

We chatted for a while; when Aunty said something that cracked me into laughter. We were guffawing when I spilled my tea on Zach's clothes.

"Shit! Sorry!" I took out my hanky to wipe his clothes.

"It's okay. Let me change my clothes. I'll be back." Saying so, he left.

"Don't worry. He'll be fine." Aunt Moni consoled me.

I smiled, but I was worried whether he got burnt by the hot drink.

I finished my drink in hurry, "I'll check on him."


I went up to his room, and turned his doorknob. It was not locked. I went in cautiously so as not to scare him. He was in the bathroom, so I waited for him on the bed.

"Oh? Why are you here? I told you that I'll come after changing in fresh clothes." He said.

He came out of the bathroom, shirtless with towel wrapped around his waist. I almost averted my eyes in embarrassment, but thought not to do it. It would be awkward for him, and also it was nothing new for me. We often shared baths.

"I came up to check whether you were burnt or not."

"Don't worry. I'll drop the shirt in washing machine. Wait for me."

He went in the bathroom. I glanced around his room, waiting for him. That's when I noticed it: the stain on the edge of his pant. I checked it; it was blood.

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