Chapter 11

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"Let it out. If you want, I'll leave you alone. But don't hold it in."

I realized something today, words are powerful. They have the power to strengthen you as well as destroy you. These words that Zach uttered were no special, but flowed like water on my burning heart. I realized my feelings clearly, I wanted this guy to be mine. Instinctively, I hugged him tightly and cried my heart out. He hugged me back. After a while, I calmed down; but didn't let him go.

"Care to let me go?" I pushed myself in his embrace, "Let me stay like this for a while."

I inhaled him; his peculiar smell was especially soothing today. I wished I could keep him in a bottle and use him everyday like attar{1}. I confessed that he smelled good. He pushed me away. I saw his reddened face.

"Well, I think I found a solution for you. Maybe you should find a girl. You are using too many pick-up lines at me recently."

I teased him, "Why should I when I have you?"

"I'll kill you one of these days. Will you get serious about this?"

I was serious. My sudden realization wanted to come out but held it back. I didn't want to lose him over hasty actions.

"You look really funny when I tease you. But if you feel uncomfortable about it, I'll stop it."

"I am uncomfortable."

I know it.

"Sorry. I won't say it again."

I took out the oyster from my pocket that I found in the sea and gave it to him. He was elated to see it. He hesitated a bit; I knew he thought it was alive. I explained it was not. He kept on examining it with curious eyes. I lied down and looked at the sky. The afternoon sun was playing its magic, making me drowsy. But before falling asleep, I ensured that I slept in Zach's lap. I wanted to be close to him today. As much as I could. I went to sleep breathing him in.

He woke me up after some time.

"Ben, get up. Mum's calling me for lunch."

I woke up and checked the time: 1 pm.

I stretched myself and got up, "Let's go."

Jamey was playing in the veranda with his friends when I reached the house. Grammy was preparing the lunch. I helped her quietly. We didn't speak to each other unless it was necessary. I avoided speaking when Jamey was around. Either she said something harsh to us, or Jamey would get into a fight with her. It becomes a headache to stop them. After serving the food, I went out to get Jamey.

"Okay boys, go have your lunch now. You can continue after having food. Jamey, get up."

"Just 5 minutes BenBro, I am about to win."

"Get inside."

He whined, "See, I lost a good game because of you." He asked his friends to leave and came inside. After washing his hands, he sat at the table. After lunch, I washed the plates; Grammy went to one of her friends and Jamey got back to his game. I went to my room and lazed around. I spent the day reminiscing about Zach's coaxing.

Next day, I helped Grammy in household chores. The day started good and safe. After lunch when I was collecting dry clothes, I remembered something.

Now I remember; I have to buy some clothes for Jamey and myself. Chalo, let's go to the mall!

I picked the bike keys and dashed out of the room. "Jamey, I will be out for 2-3 hours. Don't go and stay at home."


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