Chapter 54

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"Mum, I added the chilli powder, what else did you mention?"

I was preparing a traditional dish for Ben. We were spending our weekend at my place. After lots of ruckus during the past few months, we finally had settled in a quiet moment.

After our episode at Ben's place 4 months ago, everyone present there showed me support. I was happy to pull this off my chest, on the other hand it was difficult to adjust to this acceptance. Because this acceptance on such large scale, initially felt like pity, though it was not.

You must felt this over and over, isn't it Ben?

Till I was adjusting to this, Ben forced me to tell this to Dad. We went to Pune on a weekend, after informing Mum about it. I sought him alone and told him everything. An expected silence, followed by sympathy, and then the unconditional support.

"Zach, why didn't you tell me?"

"Zach, we are with you."

"Zach, how are you feeling?"

These comments had become a routine. Amidst all this, it felt there was only one person who understood me- Ben. The only one showing not an ounce of sympathy, and my only source of empathy. I got attached to him again, and somewhere I felt at peace. Everyday seemed normal, with just one call from him. just one message and I would cheer up.

If we had always been like this, if we had never broke up, would it have been different?

I smiled and threw the thought away.

It is better like this.

"Thanks, Mum."

"Don't worry. He will like it."

After garnishing the food, I placed it on the dining table.

"Ben, where are you?"

"Just one minute away."

"Okay." I bounced on the end of call. I ran out at the gate and waited for him. And in a minute, he was here.

"Why are you waiting here? You didn't believe me?"

I nodded in denial, "It's the other way round."

He laughed, "Move aside. Let me park the bike."

We had come here to spend some time together. I let him park his bike. We went inside.

"I prepared a dish for you."

"Really? I was famished. Then, let's have dinner first?"

I served the plates and we settled to have the food. Suddenly, something came to my mind.

"Ben, have you noticed something?"


"We always have something to talk about. No matter the gap. Even if we meet after yesterday or after a month, like today."

"What's there to observe? It's common between best friends.", he replied indifferently.

I sulked, "Oh come on. Show some interest, will you?"

"But there's nothing notable in this. I know this already. Being a reserved person, I know it in my bones."


"I can't talk with strangers. I just don't know how to. But with the people I know, I have lots of things to talk about."

"Then, why don't you use those same things to talk with strangers?"

"Very funny.", he whispered, "I'll tell you an insider. Everything I tell you, is a secret outside. So, I can't tell others."

I chuckled at his performance. "Should I feel happy? Or sad?"

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