Chapter 39

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(6 month later)

I formed a close relation with Venu during the past 6 months. It was not unexpected, given how she followed me around, but I let her in my private space was quite surprising. Somewhere, I had started depending on her, and I knew this fact in my heart. It felt as if I was betraying the Gang, especially Zach. I would then meet the Gang, sudden catch-ups at a café, or Krish's academy, or Isha's place.

As for Zach, we had daily messages and frequent calls. I kept dabs on Jamey for the updates on Zach and his parents. I was sure, his parents would accept us. But there was something that irked me during this period- Yash's frequent visits to Chennai. I felt uneasy about this. I couldn't find time to visit my guy? Not even once? Then, I remembered the promise.

What an idiot to forget such an important thing!

During lunch one day, I told Venu about this, "Venu, I am taking leave for 2 weeks."

"Why? Are you not feeling well?"

"I want to go somewhere."

"Planning for a trip? No? Then.....Oh."

I nodded silently, she understood what I meant.

"Go ahead. Spend some time with him. You need him, and he needs you."

I miss him. And I am curious about what he said before leaving. What would it be?

I planned my surprise visit to Zach, handed over my important tasks to other professor. I booked a flight to Chennai. There was a connecting flight: Dabolim Airport to Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad to Chennai Airport. Luckily, Venu was accompanying me.

"I have a school friend to visit, one I have not met in ages!!"

She gets to meet her friend; I get a free guide! What a deal!

On the decided day, we took a cab to airport and waited at the airport for our flight.

I was reading a book, while Venu was fidgeting with her bag.

"What's wrong, woman? Stop fidgeting. It's distracting me."

"Well, I am nervous. I'll be meeting her after so many years. I can't think of anything I would talk."

I smiled, "Don't worry, you'll be fine. And also, she is your friend, not your fiancé."


I picked up the call, "Hello, Geetha Ma'am?

"Hello, Ben. Have you reached Chennai?"

"Not yet, I am at the airport, waiting for the plane."

"Actually, I called to inform you something. One student in your class, Jose, got into a fight and has fractured his leg. The boys beat him a lot, and the college is blaming it all on him. Can you vouch for him? I'll call you once I am with the Principal."

"Yeah, sure. But I'll be on board in 20 minutes- can you please try before that?"

"Okay. I'll try."

Worried, I ended the call.

"What happened?"

I told her. She exclaimed, got mad at the management. But I was worried for the boy. I wished I could return back and stand by him. I closed my eyes and prayed that Geetha Ma'am would call me sooner. Venu plugged an earbud in my ear, my favourite Bollywood songs were being played. I looked at her- she got busy scrolling her phone.

I miss you, Zach.

Uneasy, I gave her back the earbud, and sat quietly.

"Don't worry, listen to some music. Why do you think she called you when she knew you were here? She knows you are worried and would want to help. Just wait for 5 more minutes.", she plugged back the earbud.

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