Chapter 35

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"Oh, hi." I stuttered.

"I called because we couldn't talk during the day."

"Oh! We will be meeting tomorrow as well, right?" I was puzzled.

What's her deal?

"Yeah, I know. But I called because I wanted to talk now, and I can see that you are leaving the park, so I wanted to ask whether you can stay for a while?"

I turned around, looking for her unfamiliar face I saw just this morning. I spotted her at a corner of the park, waving at me. I waved back and replied, "Wait, I'll come there."

I sprinted towards her. "Hello."

"Hi." She replied timidly. "Please sit here."

I sat down beside her. She was having tea.

"Would you like a cup?"

"No thanks. I had my fill." I looked at her carefully. Something about her felt familiar.

"Have we met before?"

"Uh...Umm, no. I mean yes."

I chuckled, "What, is it a yes or a no?"

"We met in Mumbai, when you gave me your phone to call my Amma."

I was intrigued. When did I help somebody call their Amma? Then I remembered who she was.

"Oh! You are that girl!"

It was 5 years ago- our Mumbai trip. The day we went on Mumbai Darshan. I remember the scene in bits and pieces. I was waiting outside ladies toilet, holding purses and bags for the ladies in our group. I was embarrassed to wait there, so I went to stand near the gents' washroom, but after one breath near it and I quietly shifted back to my earlier position. The smell was repulsive.

"Fuck it! I'll wait near the bus." Just when I was about to leave, somebody pulled my shirt. I turned to see who it was. A girl around my age- dark, slim and delicate, with big, watery eyes bordered by kajal. Jet black hair neatly combed into a braid, beautifully dressed in yellow salwar-kameez. She looked at me with desperate teary eyes.

I asked her hesitantly, "What?"

"Can I have your phone? I am in a hurry."

She was fidgeting with her dress, clutching it hard.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?"

"Phone. Just give me your phone."

I gave her my phone obediently. She rushed inside the washroom.

"I wonder if she is okay. Maybe........"

By the time I pondered over it, she came out and returned my phone, "Thanks a lot. There is nobody in the washroom with a phone and I forgot mine with my Amma. It was urgent, so I had no choice but to ask for your help."

"It's okay. Glad to help you."

She went inside. I stopped her and asked with hesitation, "I think it will be too late by the time your help comes. There is a medical store nearby. If you want, I can buy you one."

She turned around, startled. After giving me a deadly glare, she went inside. I got scared, hoping she won't report me as a pervert. It's not like you meet some random guy every day, offering to buy sanitary napkins for you!

"Yes!! The one you offered to buy pads!" I was pulled back by her reply.

I smiled, "I am thankful you didn't misunderstand my intentions."

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