Chapter 14

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"Hi. I am fine. How about you?"

Yash- "Are you free on Wednesday evening? Can we meet?"

I was surprised. Truth to be told, I didn't want to meet him. But I didn't want to hurt Zach by denying Yash. I also wanted to apologise to him.

"I am free. What is this about?"

Yash- "Nothing. Just a casual meet."

Ha! You want to be my friend? "Okay. Just let me know where you want to meet."

Yash- "The place we last met." WHAT?! WHY?!

I reluctantly agreed, "Okay."

I turned off the internet so that I won't get more messages. I was still not over Zach, so naturally I was irritated by his boyfriend. I didn't know what his agenda was.

On Wednesday, I messaged Yash that I was on the way. This meet was not casual for me; it was war. And I was dressed in my battle outfit-clothes that I recently bought, properly combed hair, perfume (which I never used before) and shoes. If anybody saw me today, they would think that I was on a date. I rode my bike and soon reached the mall. I went to the second floor where the shop was. I called Yash.

"Hello? Where are you? I am outside the shop."

"I am at the parking. Will be there in 5 min."

I entered the shop, found an empty table and settled down. I kept on thinking about all possible reasons why Yash was meeting me today. Maybe I was being defensive, but I was getting an eerie feeling about this. In few minutes, he entered the shop; I waved to him; he found me and smiled.

"Hi. Hope I was not late. I was caught in traffic. Should have brought a bike instead."

"No. It's fine. Have some water." I poured some water for him. He drank it in 2 gulps.

"So, what's the agenda today?"

He wiped his mouth and spoke, "Just as I said. Friends meet for lunch often, right? You are Zach's best friend, so I should be familiar with you."


I smiled, "Oh. I thought you had some problems with him and wanted my help."

He smiled and nodded his head, "We never had problems. And never will."

I hope this confidence stays with you for long. Dare you hurt him!

"Great then. Let's order first. We can chat till it gets ready. But before that, let me tell Zach that we are here."

"NO! Don't tell him!"

I was startled. What's wrong with him?

"I mean, I'll tell him later."

"But I can't hide it from him. Rather than you telling him later, it's better we tell him now. He won't like it if I don't tell him."

He asked quietly, "Why, because of the promise?"

He knows!

Bit shaken, I replied, "Uh..yes. Zach told you about it?"

"Yes. He tells me everything. We don't have secrets. It is the base for our relation."

Intertwining his fingers, he placed his hands on the table. It felt as if he was trying to establish his superiority.

I replied with a smile, "It's good that you have a strong bond, unlike many other couples out there who break up due to lack of understanding."

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