Chapter 22

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We got up to go pick up Jamey. We both took our bikes and dashed towards the city. By the time we reached, it got dark.

"Hi Zach Bro! Back from the trip?"

"Yes, I had to. Your brother was crying in loneliness."

He nudged to shut me up. "Jamey, let's go."

"I want to ride with ZachBro."


Ben looked at me. I smiled.

"Fine! I'll go ahead. You two have a sweet time. Why did I bother coming?" Saying so, he dashed away.

"Come sit. Or we might lose him!" Jamey sat on my bike and we started our return journey.

"Why did you want to ride with me?"

"Because I want to talk to you."

"Oh? What's this matter that you can't tell Ben? Did you do something wrong?"

"No. Actually, I want to tell you about him. I'm really worried about him these days. Sometimes he is happy, sometimes he seems lost, sometimes he looks sad. I don't know what's wrong with him."

Right! We even have to tell this little guy!

"Um......don't worry. I know what's wrong with him. Now, he is good. If there is anything wrong with him again, do tell me."

"You sure he is alright now?"


"Thanks Zach Bro! I love you!" He hugged my back.

"I am really jealous of BenBro. I wish I had a friend like you."

"Am I not? Why did you ask for my help then?"

"That's not what I mean. Just like how I am asking for your help, there should be someone who he can ask as well, right? Someone who knows me and understands me."

"Calm down my boy. You are just 10. Why do always talk like an adult when you clearly are not one?"

"Because that's how I can assure BenBro about myself. I don't want him to worry about me."

I stopped my bike and turned to look at him. He looked down immediately, hiding his tears.

I got down from my bike, "Hey, young man! Look up! Look at me!"

He looked up. His innocent eyes were filled with tears of worry & fear. I held him in a light hug, and he started sobbing.

"Now, now. Stop crying. I am here for you." I wiped his face. He looked at me, "I love him the most in this world. I don't like watching him in pain. And I know I am his weak point. That's why I act as if I am okay, so that he doesn't worry about me a lot."

"Listen to me Jamey. Even if you assure him that you are capable of being independent, he will still worry for you. Because that's what family is. We care about each other. So, don't force yourself too much. Just be yourself. That way you can better assure your brother."

I wiped his remaining tears, "Silly boy. Jamey, you are a very special boy. You are cute, smart, handsome & kind. And we love you for who you are."

He nodded his head. "Now, promise me- you won't say these stupid things again?"

"I promise Zach Bro. I won't think about this again."

"Good. Now, shall we go? You would be hungry." Saying so, we left for his home.

Jamey is really special. Having this level of maturity that such a young age is amazing yet unfortunate. Ben doesn't need to worry about this kid.

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